Baby Winston

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Warning this will contain themes that will trigger certain people. Some of these stories won't have an happy ending. Comment if you want more of these

Dallas Winston

At first you couldn't believe you had managed to get pregnant because of how young you were at the time. By the fault of the two of you not using protection all the time, and relying on the 'pull out' method, you started to get morning sickness which lead to the positive pregnancy test. The worst part was actually having to tell people including your family, friends and Dallas. 

He had never been a person to love kids, in fact he often stated how much he hated them and even torments different children around town. You also wondered how he would be as a father, although he had the right to know, you couldn't decide if he would be a suitable man or mature enough to take on the responsibility. Dallas was only twenty years old but had been working at the rodeo with Buck for four years. He also knew what it was like to live alone and fend for himself.

You swallow the insecurity and went to the rodeo one night. He was also so sweaty and dirt after having completing a round. As he collect the cash from winning, you walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He was sure surprised to see you around here, because you never liked hanging out around these type of people. He wipes the sweat from his forehead, and you take him over somewhere more quiet. Nervously, you get it out that you're pregnant.

Dallas laughs it off, thinking you're joking until he takes a better look at your face. He stands up abruptly and leaves you alone. All along you expected that to happen, so you return to your house. You run upstairs to cry, your parent's wondered what was happening, so your mother follows you. You didn't have the heart to tell her, as they're already disappointed that you didn't go to college and were dating Dallas to begin with. 

You lie and say you're sick. Later that night as you're sleeping, you hear a tapping at your bedroom window and lift your head to see Dallas. Anger you don't answer, but he continues to try and open it. You finally get up, at first you're hurt then turn aggressive as he climbs into the bedroom. He tells you that he's ready to be the father, although at first he was confused and scared.

Throughout the pregnancy, he helps the best he can although Dallas is inexperienced with children or preparing for one. Your parents didn't find out, until you moved in with Dallas. They weren't surprised, because they knew it would happen sooner or later, and they sort of accept it but don't like Dallas. Dallas and you have a shot gun wedding at seven months pregnant, so that people wouldn't talk. 

You end up giving birth to a son named Nathan. One night when Dallas went out to work, he got into a car accident. Only the car was destroyed and his body was missing. It wasn't until five years later that you found out Dallas faked the incident to leave you and the baby. He now resides in California with a wife and they're expecting a baby. When Nathan found out about the betrayal when he was sixteen, he swore to never be like his father. 

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