Dinner Party

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You decided to invite the gang over to your parents house for a dinner party with many other guest. This is what happens.

Darry: Saves the day by putting on an apron and fixing cooking disasters in the kitchen. He leads your aunts to make meals, and eventually falls for your cousin who loves a man who can cook.

Ponyboy: Sneaks away to the study where your father keeps all his books. He settles down with a cigar and some brandy, and reads as many novels as possible. 

Johnny: Stands around awkwardly with a drink in one hand, he nods to people, swishes his drink around and takes a sipping... waiting for it all to be over.

Dallas: Heads to the balcony to check out which girl he might take home... hint hint its you.

Two-bit: Nabs objects from your parents house, replaces them with objects from someone elses house. Slips his hand into the pockets of jackets for extra cash. 

Steve: Gorges on food! he hasn't eaten all day... 

Soda: Get's blind drunk and dances around the backyard, at one point you find him half naked and spewing into your mothers rose garden.

Question of the day (for those who've read my Bianca and Dallas book series): Should I make a part four surrounding their lives as adults, but mainly their children?

Question of the day 2#: How would your parents react to the gang coming over?

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