STORY: Johnny Proposal

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It's the night of the big football game, you and the rest of your cheer leading squad have been practising for this night for the last couple of months. You're the head cheerleader with your best friends Cherry, Marcia, Angela and Evie also on the team.

At half time, you and the rest of the girls sprint onto the field. You hold the mega phone in your hand, with the other arm bent on your hip. "Let's go Toros!"

The team flips, jumps, cheers and relies the crowd up. The routine was flawless.

"Woo!" you finished up, running back to the benches. The game restarts and all the football platers run back onto the field.

"God that was a rush!" Marcia exclaims, all the girls agreed.

"I know we were amazing!" Cherry laughs.

You blow your blonde hair out of your eyes, "I'm so hungry, I'll be back in 5 with some popcorn girls."

You climbed up the bleachers towards the middle of the stands, the perfect spot to see the game. You find where Darry and Soda are sitting.

"Hey, can I have some money." you asked.

Darry's eyes remain glued to the game. You furrow your eyebrows at him and shove his shoulder. "Earth to Darry?"

Somebody gets a goal, he cheers with the rest of the crowd. "I'm soooo hungry..." you whinged.

"He's brain dead around football, you should know that by now little sister." Soda chuckles. You roll your eyes playfully.

Darry's eyes remained where they were, he pulls his wallet out of his back pocket and takes out a note, handing it over to you. He didn't even notice he passed you a $50 note instead of a $5.

You smile to yourself and begin to walk down again. When the announcer speaks, "Well here we go, we have a special surprise for a young lady from a boy who loves her very much..."

All of a sudden the cheerleaders and football players run onto the field and form a message.

(Y/N) I love you so much. Will you marry me? - Johnny Cade.

You turn around to see Johnny down on one knee, he holds out the most gorgeous ring you've ever seen in your life. Immediately tears start to well up in your eyes. He smiles brightly, "I love you so much babe. Will you marry me?"

The tears spring out of your eyes, "Yes!" you scream. Johnny stands up and you both wrap your arms around each other, and kiss. He slides the ring onto your finger. The crowd goes wild cheering the two of you. Your friends run over to you, hugging you. You show them the ring, they all scream.

Darry and Soda make their ways to you, both hugging you tightly.

"You'd better wait a couple of years until you can get married for real." Darry tells you happily.

"I hope it goes by fast." you cry.


A couple of years later you and Johnny successfully graduate from high school. You marry Johnny at a large church with flowers springing outside everywhere, your maid of honour Cherry helps you with everything and Marcia, Angela and Evie are your brides maids.

You walk down the isle in a stunning white dress with Darry holding onto your arm, the organs play as you walk towards Johnny. Everyone's eyes are on you.

"You're so beautiful." he whispers.

The priest steps forward, "We are all gathered here today to unite Johnny Cade and (Y/N) in holy matrimony..."

"Do you (Y/N) take Johnny Cade to be your husband, forever to love and care for him?"

"Yes." you say smiling, you know this will be the best decision you've ever made.

"Do you Johnny Cade take (Y/N) to be your wife, to love and cherish for the rest of your life?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

He grabs onto your cheeks, pulling you into a deep kiss. Forever wedding the two of you. Starting your lives together.

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