Dating soda

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- Heaps of cuddling

- Lots of PDA

- He always kisses you on the cheek before he goes to work

- Him driving you everywhere

- You going to the DX to hangout with him and Steve

- Helping work the register while Steve and Soda muck around

- Watching him and Steve fixing cars

- Steve throwing his arm around your shoulders and teasing you

- Play fighting

- Tickle fights

- Him taking you on small dates

- Telling him you don't care that he's a drop out

- Waking up in his arms

- Wrapping your legs around him all the time

- Calling him Pepsi Cola

- Him singing in the shower

- Shampooing each others hair in the shower

- Him walking you home because he doesn't want you to walk alone

- Dancing at parties together

- Patching him and the other boys up after being in a fight

- Making sure he's okay when he smokes

- Steve and Two-bit crashing your dates

- Soda gets bored so easy so no movies or anything that takes a long time

- He randomly bites you

- He runs into a room and kisses you then runs out

- Barely any fights

- Practising make up on him

- Piggy back rides

- Sneaking into each others rooms

- Saving money together

- Him going dead weight limp and making you drag him around

- Late night talking about the future

- Teaching Soda how to cook properly but it doesn't work

- You and Darry ganging up on Soda

- Dancing around the kitchen to Elvis and Chuck Berry

- Late night snack runs

- Sitting on the kitchen floor eating chocolate cake together

- Stealing his DX hat

- Being jealous of other girls

- Him being jealous when you speak to Dally

- Being close with Steve and Soda not worrying about it

- Bring him and Steve lunch when he's working

- Lot's of flirting

- Stealing his clothes

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