cute tingz

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Just imagine doing these things with them

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Just imagine doing these things with them... 


painting a face mask onto his skin

lathering shampoo into his hair


pulling a secret overnight study session

having a picnic of strawberries, cream, pizza and pepsi at midnight in your room


climbing onto his shoulders during a festival

spending the day at a used car lots, trying to find the perfect car 


teaching you how to drive

doing couples yoga with him 


packing each others lunch for work, writing cute notes on packages

taking him shopping and him wanting to carry all the bags


teaching him how to bake

painting his toe nails 


play fighting cause you called him keith

drawing on road with chalk together 

Author note:

Hola friends. I have like 50 billion stories from my Instagram that I've deleted, should I placed them on here? they are short fan fiction around 500-2000 words long. 

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