hit & run;

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Sorry I know this is hella annoying but I need to promote my new story lmao. Here is a scene from it. Be kind. 

Brian and Jade are original characters

Curly AND Tim Shepard

Dallas Winston

'night run' means dangerous drug deal

Hit & Run: Chapter 8. 

"She wouldn't even look at me. I swear I could see that damn shiner through her makeup." ranted Brian. He wanted to make Curly pay for what he did. Unlike Dallas and Tim, he didn't possess brute strength. This meant he had to find another way to get him back.

The three of them waited outside of the school for Curly to walk over to this car. "I am ready to smash his skull in." Tim punched the air in front of him, practising to fight his brother.

Dallas sat against the car hood. "That is some twisted brotherly love you got there." he said, licking a hand rolled cigarette for later.

Brian laid back on the grass and stared straight up at the clouds. "No bashing skulls. We still need him for the night runs." he directed.

Tim snarled. He cracked his neck and knuckles. He didn't want to be reasonable when it came to his brother. "He's due for a beat down."

Curly approached them with caution. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Curly kept his distance and started to get a weird feeling in his stomach.

"I'm the subject of school girl fantasies." Brian said wistfully. He had always been painfully aware of his good looks. Tim and Dallas start to close in on Curly who only backs up.

Slowly he caught on. A trail of curse words fall from his mouth before he jolted off into a sprint across the field. Dallas holds back like a rabid dog waiting for Brian to give him the all go. After a few seconds, Brian speaks. It was three to one. Curly honestly believed he could outrun Dallas but failed to remember all his run in's with the law. Three to one. He didn't have a chance.

Dallas bolts for it, rushes off his feet. Curly glances back and ends up falling over his own feet. Dallas catches him and drags his feet back. He rolled onto his back where the plummet blows begin. Tim joins up and kicks him straight in the ribs. Brian ambles over to them.

Dallas took one last kick to Curly's head, it was so hard that is stunned him. He laid limp in the dirt. The boys thought he was about to black out or something, but that wasn't like hard headed Curly who rolled onto his knees. He wasn't about to give up that easily.

Somehow he got a hold on Dally's leg, and ripped him onto the ground with him. The pair rolled around, cussing and panting until Brian and Tim ripped them apart.

Tim then threw his own brother against a brick wall. It was so forceful that it knocked the wind out of him and he buckled to the dirt. Dallas and Tim held him down. He kicked and tried to bite Brian's hand.

Brian slugs him once. He becomes dull to the pain and gives in. Brian bends down to his railed body, and speaks low. "Next time you think to take things into your own hands, especially with a girl, remember this." he lashes out and climbs onto Curly.

The next thing Curly knew Brian was sticking a lit cigarette into his neck. His flesh seared under the scorching heat. He squirmed violently, howling every swear word under the sun. He didn't seem so tough now. "Don't even look at Jade. Don't talk to her. It's over buddy." Brian declared.

Brian headed back to the car. Tim followed. Dallas spat at the ground near his head. "Get cleaned up, you're on night run." he sneered and left him there. 

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