STORY: Steve Saves You

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It's date night for you and your boyfriend, Mack. He decides to take you to the drive-in cinema to see a new movie you haven't heard of before. He picks you up at 7 pm from your house and then drives you in his car to the drive-in. While you were both watching the movie, you started to have the feeling that he was watching you. You turn to your head to see him glaring at you with lustful eyes.

He places his hand on your inner thigh, squeezing it lightly. You push his hand off of your leg, "Stop."

He throws his hand off of you and puts it on the steering wheel, "You won't even touch me!" he growled harshly.

"Geez, where did that come from?" you said shocked at his attitude.

He rolls his eyes, "Oh don't act so damn innocent all the time, it's ugly."

"You're crazy." you yelled at him. You swung the door open and clambered out of the car so fast that you nearly fell out in the process.

You slam the door shut behind you and begin to walk towards the drive-ins cafeteria. Mack climbs out of the car, coming after you. "I wasn't finished with you!"

"Well I'm done speaking with you!" you say, rubbing your shoulders to heat your body up.

Mack curses under his breath then jogs up to you. Before he could open his mouth again, Steve comes around the corner. He doesn't notice you're upset.

"Hey, (Y/N) me and Two-bit are going to Dingo's after the movie... bring your boyfriend over if you want."

"Sorry she can't. I'm not her boyfriend anymore." Mack snaps. You stop in your tracks, dumbfounded by his words. Your heart stops beating. Steve steps back, scrunching his eyebrows.

"What." you breathed harshly, trying not to break into tears.

"I don't know what the hell I was thinking, staying with you for this long..."

"W-what are you talking about?" you blubbered, trying even harder to fight back the tears.

"I don't want to be with you, (Y/N)" he yelled, his face firing up red.

"Back off Mack." Steve says trying to intervene.

"Mind your own damn business Steve." he threatens, pointing his finger at him.

"B-but-" You're cut off for a second time.

"Oh please, you aren't enough for me." he sneered.

"Mack, you better shut the hell up man."

"Didn't I tell you to back off!"

Steve launches at Mack with full force and punches him across the head. Mack collapses to the road, blacked out.

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