Dating Steve Randle

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Dating Steve Randle is a roller coaster of emotions and underlying truths, whether it be little white lies she told you to keep you happy or the basket case amount of pure soften he hides underneath that tough exterior, Steve loves you like crazy and you do too. 

Here's what it's like dating Mr

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Here's what it's like dating Mr. Steve Randle:

- Cleaning up after his continually! Whether it be clothes from his bedroom floor or dragging his muddy feet through the house, you can't help but clean up his mess. He insist it isn't mess though?!

- Taking hot baths together, this mean's shampooing each others hair!

- Wiping his face after eating chocolate cake or anything to be honest.

- Having movie marathons in your pyjamas with heaps of popcorn, candy and even pizza!

- Both working very hard at your jobs to make a life for yourselves. 

- Watching him take an hour to put grease in his hair.

 - Having to force him to met your parents. You have to beg and plead, then promise to watch his favourite TV show (which you hate). 

- Buying two different flavours of milkshake, then half them both so you get to try each flavour! 

- Taking too many naps on the couch together.

- Steve makes you breakfast everyday cause you suck at cooking, he's surprising good.

- Going to play paint war, him being too rough when in competition with you. He never lets you win!

- Steve isn't scared of much, so he tries to get you to conquer your fears all the time. Sometimes he doesn't understand your worry and you get into fights, but always make up. 

- Going camping with friends. 

- Steve snores...

- Night walks then you glaze up at the stars.

- Being forced to do outdoor activities such as hang gliding, hikes, diving off rocks into deep water, kayaking but he always takes you out afterwards to do something you like. 

- He's always late for everything. Whereas you love to be early.

- Lots of BBQ's, Steve loves to cook meat... he just loves meat in general.  

- Holding him as he cries over his abusive father, and it never gets easier. But in the end he has you to care for him, and him to care for you. All you need is each other, plus your best friends. 

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