STORY: Steve & Soda

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Soda had the whole house to himself as his two brothers, Darry and Pony-boy were out of town for the weekend. They asked if he wanted to tag along, but Soda decided to stay home alone.

After locking the front door and turning the television off, he slips into his bed at around 11 pm. It didn't take long for him to drowse off to sleep.

In the middle of the night Soda wakes up to a strange noise coming from his bedroom window. He creaks his head up, looking for the clock. It was 2:12 am.

He rolls over to see a dark figure of a man standing outside his window. The man taps on the window, "Soda wake up!" he whispers just loud enough for him to hear. Soda rolls out of the bed and stretches over to the window. He opens it to see his bestfriend Steve stands outside.

"What are you doing man?" He says.

Soda yawns loudly, "What do you think?"

They both look at eachother with a smirks. "Come on, get in it's cold." Soda says, helping Steve through the window.

After he climbed in, Soda closes the window. As he does Steve wraps his arms around Soda's waist. His smirk grows bigger as Steve pushes his hips into Soda's. He moves his hips slowly until Steve is hard.

Steve radded his neck with hickeys, before pushing him on his knees on the bed. Soda panted with lust, "Just do it."

The pair hurry to take their clothes off, throwing them onto the ground.

Steve positions himself and forcefully slid into Soda, causing him to let out a loud moan. They both move together, panting and moaning loudly for the next ten minutes. Until Steve claspes on the bed next to Soda, his breathing heavy as he tries to catch his breath.

Steve sits his back against the bed frame, taking a ciggarette out of his jean pants. He lights it up, taking a puff and realeasing the smoke into the air. Soda still on his elbows, looks up to Steve. They both smile at eachother.

Steve pats the space next to him, Soda moves up into the bed. After he finished his smoke, he butts it out and then lays down in the bed next to Soda. They both fall asleep.

Soda wakes up early in the morning, slowing opening his weary eyes. The whole room appears the lovely shade of light orange. He sits up in the bed, yawning and stretching his arms above his head.

He glares over at the faint breathing man next to him. He laid on his side with his arms wrapped around a pillow and his back facing Soda. His hair ruffled dark brown, and appeared soothingly calm unlike his usaul self. Only the thin sheets covered there nude bodies. 

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