STORY: Secret For Darry

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You, Steve and Soda are mucking around in the kitchen when Steve pokes you in the side, causing you to jump slightly. His eyebrows raised devilishly, "Are you ticklish?"

You rub the back of your neck nervously trying not to smirk, "Nope..."

"Oh you're lyin', I know you're." he says taking a step closer to you.

You move backwards until your back hits the stove, "Not at al-" before you can even finish your sentence, your body sprints into a run.

You didn't get very far before Soda grabbed you around the waist and began to tickle you. You screamed and laughed all at once, trying to break free of his grip on you. Steve appeared in front of you and began to tickle you as well. You see Darry watching from the living room with a smile.

"I-I can't breathe!" you yell out, trying to catch your breath. You can feel your stomach starting to hurt from all the laughing.

"What's that?? You want more!"

You begin to wiggle around and finally broke free, you run in circles around the kitchen and living room surprisingly fast.

"Get her guys!" Soda yelled, trying to catch up to you.

"No! Stay away! I mean it!" you giggled.

Before you know it, Darry appears right in front of you. Your heart dropped into your stomach, you tried to stop. But you run right into his strong arms.

You yelped loudly, immediately trying to break free. You feel a lump in your throat, like your air ways are blocked. You thrashed around violently in his arms. Steve and Soda stopped right in there tracks seeing you begin to panic.
You became breathless pretty fast, nearly wrenching yourself free. You accidentally slam back into Darry's chest so hard, causing the two of you drop to the floor with a loud thud.

You scramble onto your feet as your body turns to flight mode. You turned on your heels and ran out of the front door, leaving the three boys looking at each other in confusion. Darry gets off the ground, they all come after you.

You felt like you were about to pass out from the head pain. You ran fast off the lawn and down the road. The boys hot on your heels, so close you can hear their footsteps. You keep going until you couldn't take the burning pain anymore. All at once you drop to your knees, tears sprung out of your eyes. You hug your arms, sobbing loudly. You couldn't take it anymore... Darry, Soda and Steve stop behind you in shock.

Darry kneels down next to you, causing you to shift your body away from him. "Come on, let me help you up..."

"No! Get away from me!" You cried out, feeling even more nauseous than before.

He looks back at a worried Soda and Steve, "Can you give us a moment guys?"

"Yeah... sure. We will be back at the house..." the two of them begin to walk back.

Darry sits down in front of you, You look away, avoiding all eye contact with him. "What's wrong?" he asks worryingly.

"Nothing..." the tears ran from the corners of your eyes and onto your cheeks.

"You don't tell me nothing anymore." he says. It's true, for the last couple of months you and Darry hadn't been as close. It's your fault, you put your feels first...

You shake your head, "I-I can't..."

He places his hand on your knee, "You can't what?"

You look down at his hand and whisper, "I can't tell you."

"Come on, you know you can tell me anything..." He reassures you, smiling.

You look up at him with cold eyes, "What if it was to tell you... tell you that I've loved you for months! and that I couldn't tell you because you're like an older brother to me!"

His expression fades to a harsh glare. You felt like your heart has just been ripped out. "Oh..." he says, ripping his fingers through his hair. He stands back onto his feet, then holds his hand out to you. "Let me help you up...We need to talk."

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