STORY: Soda's First Fight

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Please note that I wrote this story years ago. So it's poorly written!


You walk through the living room, Soda and Darry are sitting back with their feet resting on the coffee table. You smiled passing them, "Hello Darry." You say, making a point to ignore Soda.

This comment must have set a fire inside of Soda. "Ignore me harder baby." he huffed harshly. You turn around angrily, "I wouldn't have to ignore you if you weren't such a jerk!" You shout back. Darry groaned, he had already lived through last nights fight. "What? I told you nothing happened!" He snaps back.

"Oh sure." You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

"I'm not ready to have my head cut off by you for some random chick that I didn't even give a second glance to!"

"Oh god- Just tell me the -truth Soda-" You grit through your teeth. Soda had enough, he jumps onto his feet and started for the front door. You run over to him and grab onto his shoulder, "Just tell me the truth!" You yelled.

Darry grabs a hold of my waist, pulling me off of Soda. You struggle trying to get out of his grip but he's too strong. He pulls me into the kitchen. "Sit the hell down!" he orders. This is the first time you've ever seen him angry before. You sit down on the cold tiles and cross my arms.

"Soda get over here!" Darry commands. He does what he's told and moves back over. Darry pushes him into the kitchen with me.

"Look I don't know what happened between you two, but I'm damn sick of hearing both of you fighting all damn day long. You're not leaving until you work it out!" He slams the door shut behind him. Leaving the two of us alone in the kitchen.

We both sat in silence for a while, not even glancing at one another. He leaned against the kitchen counter on the other side of the room. You stayed on the ground, leaning your back on the fridge. He finally speaks up, breaking the silence. "I don't understand why you would care if I slept with her or not."

"Oh, so you did sleep with her?" You jeered, shaking your head.

Soda lets out a loud groan, "No! I didn't say that. I just want to know why you even care!" He slides his body onto the tiles next to you. You scoot away. He follows again.

"Maybe I love you! Have you ever thought of that!" You snap at him.

Soda is silent again, he doesn't respond. He is just thinking.

"God. Don't speak to me then. I don't get you! You always flirt with me in th-" Your voice is cut off by his lips crashing into yours. He pulls his neck back, "I've always wanted to that."

His hand trails over my check as out eyes connect, you stare into his blue orbs. He drawls in again, kiss you over and over. The kisses become harder and deeper, you lay your back down on the tiles as he drapes his warm body over you. 

Your arms wrap around his back, one hand runs through his brown hair as your bodies move rougher and more urgently. A small groan escapes his mouth, he swerves his hips into your wanting more... You both end up spend the next half an hour on the kitchen floor. Luckily Darry had left for work beforehand.

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