Divorced Life

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Life didn't turn out how either of you expected it would. You've gotten married and now, divorced... This is how you deal with it. 


He tries to make you jealous and you try to make him jealous. Neither of you can deny the spark is still there but it will take some time before you can come back together again. 


You meet half way between one another's houses and exchange the kids each weekend. It's plain talk about appointments, how the kids have been and nothing else. 


You don't know where he is, because you buried him somewhere and can't remember. To be perfectly honest, it wasn't your first or last divorce. 


You're disgusted each time you see him and walk the opposite way. He tries to get back together with you but you can't handle the stench of booze on his breath long enough to speak to him about it. 


You still sleep together occasionally, but have decided its best to remain 'friends' rather than have strings attached... although one of you still have feelings for the other and hopes this plan will work out in their favour. 


You share custody of the kids, but he is trying to fight it. He wants more time, as he only has half the time with them that you do. Deep down you think he is trying to do this to make you mad, but it's your own fault for cheating on him. Darry adores his children. 


The two of you work in the same company, so you see one another often. Some nights you spend on business trips in each others rooms. It feels weird being so casual together but it seems to work until Ponyboy gets a girlfriend. 

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