Feuer Emblerm Threy Hoises, story ideas (please help), and other shit

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Well it's been a while hasn't it 😂

A lot has happened since last time I wrote here XD

I wanna go over the main things that have been on my mind though

Oh! But before all that, I finally posted that darn 06 rewrite!! God, the cover is so old it grosses me out but I just don't have the time or energy to redraw it :/

But yeah, the first two chapters are out, I'm updating it 2 times a week, Mondays and Thursdays :))

Is all the art for it finished? No. Will it be added in later? If it's ever completed, yes.

But yeah, that's where it's at right now ^^

Now for the things that are on my mind (the more positive stuff first XD)

Some of you might know this if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, but I've been getting into Fire Emblem Three Houses for a while bc of my sister. We've been into it for over half a year now, and alongside Sonic, it holds a special place in my heart now

The thing is, I never actually played the game... until literally just a few days ago 🤣

Guys oh my god I kid you not, I already loved the characters without playing the game. Now that I'm actually playing it, I feel like a proud mother 😂👏🏻

Ofc I chose the Golden Deer house because I believe Claude is best boi (to all the Dimitri simps, you do you, but I love my deer boi XD). The amount of times I called Claude my boy, Ignatz and Raphael my sons, Marianne my daughter, told Leonie and Hilda "you go girls I'm proud of you," and told Lorenz to fuck off already is incredible akdkfnnf

And I'm only on chapter 2 🤣🤣


My ultimate plan is to recruit everyone I can— I wanna adopt all my children damn it


(Those three are my priority, but I still want everyone else because I love them skdkfnnf)

Dude I'm telling you guys right now if I could recruit Dimitri I would. Legit having Claude and Dimitri in the same house would be a dream for me 😭💕

I wish there was a way for me to hug all my boys ;-;

Literally playing the game is so fun 🤧 I'm actually interacting with the bbs :')) <3

Once I recruit everyone I needa get a class photo—👀👀

ALSO DUDE— Edelgard's being a little bitch because I didn't choose her house and istg I wanna punch her so bad 🤣 She needs to chill the fuck out

"You're gonna regret not choosing the Black Eagles when we defeat you in the mock battle" "You really could have chosen our house instead" "The Adrestian Empire could use someone like you" blah blah blah okay Edelgard fuck youuuu

(None of those were directly quoted by the way, but she did say things along those lines XD)

But yeah no I don't like her :P

There are more reasons than just that, but I'm not gonna say anything bc it's gonna force me to explain what happens later and uhhh I don't wanna spoil in case anyone's interesting in checking the game out XD


Enough about Fire Emblem before I ramble on about my best bois again

I really wanna get into voice acting. Like, really bad. It just seems so fun and it seems like my kind of work environment.

I've done a voice reel before, and a lot of people seemed to enjoy it, and I really loved doing it. I really wanna practice voice acting more often, I feel like that's where my passion lies.

The thing is, the industry is very difficult, and most other VAs or job opportunities are in, you guessed it, LA.

I don't wanna go to LA just to chase my dream. I'm more of the "stay close to home" person. I don't have any crazy ambitions to move out of state just to go to college. I wanna be near my family and friends once I'm done with high school, which I have one more year of.

I need to start actually thinking about this. Do I actually wanna go into a competitive but fun field that'll force me to leave home, or should I try finding something art related? Like yeah, I love art, but ever since I found out voice acting is a bigger passion of mine, that's what I want to shoot for.

I'll figure it out I guess. It's just stressful since I only have this year to figure out what the fuck I'm gonna do with myself.

Anywayyy... what's something I can bring up on a lighter note..


I'm on a couple discord servers with other people in the Sonic community and of my god it's a blast talking to them 😂

I've become closer with a lot of artists in the community too, which I'm really grateful for. It's funny— I was just talking about my reluctance of chasing my dreams and all my friends are out here being like "I'm gonna work for IDW one day!" and "I really wanna animate for Sonic someday"

My god, they have so much ambition and it's so fucking cool to see :'))💞💞 I seriously believe in them, they're talented as fuck

And here I am being like "hey guys I wanna voice act instead of doing what my whole account has been for skjfjfjf" XD

But that's besides the point

We played Among Us together recently, and holy shit 😂 I wrote down some memorable moments, so I might doodle those in the future if I get the damn motivation to do so XD

So they've really been helping me feel comfortable in the community and I'm grateful for them :)💖

Speaking of these servers, although most of them are cool because they're the "mutuals only" servers, there's one that I'm on that's a public one, and that's TheSegaScourge's server (I'm on it because I'm a WhatIf Artist)

There's only a few roles, that being Scourge's role, the mods, artists, writers, musicians, and all the patron tiers. Everyone else is basically role-less?? There's 400+ people there, so you can imagine how hectic the server can get

There's been some drama there recently and hoo boy, I could sit here all day if I wanted XD but I don't, and because will tired

Long story short, discord servers are fun as long as the community is positive :)) (we're good at finding the problematic people and confronting them though—)

Okay what's a different topic

Cole and Nina

My babies, my beloved

I have no idea what the title of their story should be. I want it to be like one of those Webtoon titles. I really wanna make their story a webtoon but msksjdjmf the effortttt ;-;

I also need story ideas please XD

A short synopsis is:

Nina and Cole meet unexpectedly in the woods. Nina is a lively soul while Cole is a lot more reserved and never smiles. Nina makes it her personal mission to make Cole happy and drags him into town for small little adventures. However, Cole is getting weird looks from people because of a recent case of a "psychopath" going around who happened to have similar features to him.

The story starts off as a fun slice of life feel until the accusations against Cole get serious, and his lifestyle in the forest gets threatened. I intend on delving into Cole's rough past and mystery with the person who is framing the poor boy 👀

So 👏🏻 now that you know that

I need help XD literally just give me any story ideas that you think my help??

I just need inspiration :))

Okay 👏🏻

I'm tired, my eyes are closing

I should really update and art book chapter soon but my motivation has gone down the drain :/


See ya guys :'))👋🏻

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