(Kinda) Tag - 9

32 3 26

Alright technically I'm doing three but whatever

I found these a while back so I think it's about time do them XD

The first one I stole from Usako so uhh haha I'm doing it now 😂

The second And third ones are from internet browsing 🤣

I mean, the reason why I call these "kinds" tags is because I wasn't tagged to do them, I just found these and wanna do them XD

Alright here's the first one—

Alright here's the first one—

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1) Olivia

2) 5 ft - 5'1

3) around 100lbs

4) 16

5) June 15th

6) IRL: Claudia (she hates me but I love her), female Hooligans ^^
Internet: QLS <3

7) IRL: male Hooligans :D

8) Don't got one :/

9) I have, but not severely—

10) Oh god I don't have a fav...

11) I think... it was to Claudia 😂

12) 77%

13) Brown ^^

14) Uh... as in obsession? 😅 Umm, a lot of things XD

15) Aw shit don't make me choose/list all of them again...
Hmm... I'll name a few new ones then (additions to my old list XD)
- Goodbye to a World (SharaX Remix)
- Azura's Song (Conquest VER; FE Fates)
- Sorrow (Marcus Veltri)
There are definitely more but I don't feel like listing 🤣

16) I don't really have a favorite anymore, I love them all ^^
But dogs and llamas are definitely up there 😂

17) blue :3

18) I don't even know XD not large tho

19) No 😂

20) ... it's kinda personal.

21) Best time? I don't even know... there were a lot of fun days I've had

22) The shithole that is the United States -_-

23) I don't have any..

24) I want to, but no one will love me :') also I would want my spouse to be Polish as well so our kids can speak it— (I love my culture okay XD)

25) Hmm... idk 😂

26) Never had one on the lips... on the cheek it was from a truth or dare

27) Oh shit I have so many insecurities— I don't like my appearance even though I know it's not bad, I'm insecure about some of my interests and about myself as a person... but I don't wanna get into it 😅

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