Art Theft. Again.

44 3 21

I've never been more infuriated.

Okay, here's the story.

A while back, I made this drawing based off of the I Love You Too story I made

Honestly this is one of my most liked Sonic posts on Insta, so I'm pretty proud of this 👍🏻

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Honestly this is one of my most liked Sonic posts on Insta, so I'm pretty proud of this 👍🏻

But here's a fun story

Someone commented on my post saying someone reposted my art without crediting me

Now see, while I'm not always comfortable with reposts of my work (in fear of their repost getting more attention than my original piece), I'm generally okay with it as long as I'm credited— whether it's being tagged, mentioned in the description, etc.

So I asked this person to dm me the account and thanked them for letting me know. I go on the account— it's purely Spanish, so I can't communicate with them unless they knew some English.

Before I found that out though, I DMed them saying, "hey, I've been informed that you reposted my art without my permission and without crediting me. Please credit me or take the post down, thank you ^^" or something like that

I never got a response

After 24 fucking hours, no fucking response

Even better, I was on call with two of my friends, and they immediately went to comment on that post saying the art isn't theirs and they need to take it down.

They got no responses either.

I noticed that person got like two comments (that didn't include my friends).. But they were in Spanish

I kinda used google translate for the caption and comments though

The caption was "Blaze stop crying"


And then one of the comments was asking why she was

I'll come back to this later

So anyway, I posted about it on my story after no progress was made, and more followers of mine went over there to comment and say that the art isn't theirs and that they need to take the post down.

None of them got any responses.

I really do appreciate my followers coming out to help me though, I greatly appreciate it ^^


It got to the point where my friend and I couldn't take it anymore and we reported the post (and the account) for copyright. (This person's whole account is reposts, I swear—)

Hopefully Insta will take it down, and maybe even take the account down. This fucking idiot has like 900+ followers and currently has over 200 likes on the repost (while mine has 400... BUT STILL! They're getting likes from something they didn't put effort into!!)

I'm just so upset

And then what surprised me even more is my old best friend (the one I've had since kindergarten and haven't talked to in a little while) actually went over to that post and commented in Spanish telling them to take it down (she's learning Spanish while I'm learning German... I feel like Instagram is the only reason why I should've taken Spanish 😅)

But oh my god you have no idea how happy I am she came to my aid. It warms my heart so fucking much that even though we haven't talked in ages, she still has my back <3

I really need to talk to her again 😂

But yeah, that idiot didn't even reply to her.

And out of curiosity, I looked at the comments again. I keep checking it just to see if the post is gonna be taken down, how many likes it has, etc.

So this is where the "why is Blaze crying" comment comes in

I noticed there was a reply, so I wondered if the idiot actually responded to the comments for once

It's actually a different account

But they responded to them in Spanish. I wondered if they knew my account and knew what the true story behind it was, so I went on google translate.

Boy was I wrong.

This is what was roughly translated: "I think I can answer the question. Blaze is crying because Sonic is her boyfriend, and he's dying and disintegrating Infinity War style. That's why she's crying."






Okay yes I'm perfectly aware that not everyone knows ILYT, but this just shows the exact reason WHY PEOPLE SHOULDN'T REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!!! This person could've gotten the REAL answer if they saw MY post and MY description!!


And to compare that to Infinity War? PSH PLEASE. Sonic is ALREADY dead! He's just visiting her— she's crying because she couldn't believe her eyes and she thought she'd never see him again, and yet here he was! And he's not disintegrating into dust like in Infinity War you blind ass fuck, he's GLOWING and he's got sparkles around him!! He's in his spirit form for god's sake!

To be fair they wouldn't have known that, but if you take a closer look at the drawing, maybe you'll fucking realize that Sonic's not being dusted away.


I would respond, but I'm not sure if they know English, and I definitely don't want to comment on a post that stole my artwork.

I fucking hate this.

I feel like I'm much more angry about the person thinking they can answer the question rather than the thief, but oh boy trust me, I'm reported the HELL out of that asshole.

So what's the moral of the story?

DON'T REPOST ART!!! Ask for permission first, and ALWAYS CREDIT!!!

..... A L R I G H T

Quick book updates before I go...

I'm gonna start screenshotting the comments in ATSC quite soon, so just a heads up

Next, I'm currently editing chapter 7 of the 06 rewrite. There's still plenty of time for the remaining artwork for the chapters 👍🏻

I also still have slots 1 and 4 open, so if anyone is willing to take them, go ahead— and of course go back and look at the chapter with the concept art to know what you're drawing—

But that's about it I think.

See ya everybody. I might fucking scream if Insta doesn't take down the post.

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