Holy crap thanks guys

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So I was just looking through my published and unpublished books

And holy fuck

I need to thank you all for the support on my other books, I can't even believe how far I've come

I used to think that getting 100 reads is a lot, and here I am now

So Never Expected Love (my first ever Sonaze story... it sucks ass by the way XD) just hit 30k

Damn, how everyone doesn't mind the terrible writing, I have no idea 😂

My second Sonaze story, Twisted, which is a little better than the first one because I actually went back and edited to make sure there were no continuity flaws, hit 6k and it's currently #1 in the Sonaze hashtag.

Guys seriously, thank you 😂

Next, my Kid Icarus fanfic that I just wrote for fun because I needed something other than Sonic content 😂

Fallen Angel just hit 1k and it's #5 in Kid Icarus Uprising

I'm very happy about that. I remember when the views would go up super slowly for that book so I just didn't really care, it's out there, cool. And now it has 1k XD

Guys, even my oldest book on this damn account has over 1k and it sucks ass because it's an OC story that's now even valid anymore 😂 (Iris is not a Mary Sue, I changed a lot of things to make her more normal and shit. I'm no longer in that fandom tho, so I don't care)

But yeah, even that shit got 1k.

There are two books I know won't get much success that are on my account— which I'm completely fine with btw— because they're OC stories. One of them is literally called that... they both have like around 100 reads. I'm fine with that, they're trash and have only a few chapters anyway XD

I even found out that one of my other discontinued books, Ask/Dare UT, US, and UF Sans also got to 1k...... huh.

Anyways it's discontinued and really bad... so...

Short Stories doesn't have many reads since it's just a side "project" I guess 😅 it's just a place for me to free write

Both of my art books have 2k now... (my first art book was complete and utter trash, Same with the beginning of my second one)

And ATSC hit 6k recently, my Ship Opinions book reached 4k... my Random Updates 2 has 2k but eh that doesn't matter since those were just updates 🤣

Point is, thank you all for the support. The fact that my writing actually interests people— whether it was horrible writing or my current "better" writing style— really means a lot ^^

I'm thankful for all the friends I made on here, too. I met most of my best internet friends through my books, and I'm so glad it happened 😊

Anyways, I might as well update you all on what's coming when it comes to book updates

• Sonic 06 rewrite. I'm currently at the point where Shadow is fighting Mephiles for the first time (in Flame Core). I need to find a way to make their battle entertaining rather than just make it a description on what's happening— especially since my writing style is heavily based on dialogue. Point is, that's where I'm at right now.

• Short Stories. I'm actually almost done with the SatBK Sonaze short, so that will be posted soon. After that will be another addition to the SFK stories, this time from Avery. Next time, I'll make it from either Ryder's or Juniper's perspectives (she may not be a fan child of one of the main characters, but she's important for the Sonic Next Gen)

• Speaking of Short Stories, I have a lot of story drafts of books that I was going to make but never published. Should I make one of them into a short? (What's funny is all of my short stories are Sonic related XD I needa expand lmao)

I don't know if I should list all of my drafts or not, but I know that there are some I might continue in the future 😅

• Art Book. I don't know when the next update will be since I'm concentrating on the animatic (I got my drawing tablet back yaaaay :D), which will be posted on my Instagram, btw. And since there's currently no school right now because of the lockdown, I don't really have that "boredom" I get in class and start doodling... so... my art might be delayed for a bit 😅

However, I can say that I am continuing a full drawing of the popular girls in Jase's friend group. It's going pretty well ^^

I'm also probably gonna make a marker version of the QLS as Avengers drawing I made since I have printed copies of it because I was afraid I was gonna ruin the original drawing by coloring it with colored pencil 😅 I guess I didn't ruin it, but point is, I have copies 😂

So yeah those are all of my updates for now 😅

Again, thank you guys so much for all the support on my other books, it really means a lot 😂 I know most of my readers don't read my updates books, but I'm gonna tell you right now, for those of you that do, good job, because you get to know when the next updates for some of my books will be 😂👍🏻

Alright, see ya guys 👋🏻

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