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So this just popped into my head right now

I was thinking about how much fucking art I need to do and all the projects I'm making and shit

You guys know how for Twisted I drew an image for each chapter to kinda summarize?

Well... I wanna do that again. However, I have so much shit to do already.


My brain went...

"What if you asked if people wanted to draw at least one image for a chapter?"

And I was like

"Brain... you are a genius."

So how this would work....

I still don't know how many chapters there will be in the end, however, I can confirm that there are currently 8, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have at least three more...? I'll see how I arrange the story and stuff 😑

Anyone who is willing to help can do this if they'd like. I'm gonna have requirements, though..

- either inked and in marker (example, copics) or digitally, whichever is preferred
- I'll assign you a drawing to make if you are willing to do it, and at the end of that chapter, I will credit you ^^
- if you're willing to make more than one, feel free to, I'll try to make at least one or two myself if this actually works out 😂 if not, oh well, I'll just do it all on my own XD

I dunno, I just thought it would be cool to have you guys contribute if you want 😅

I guess it also relieves stress on me with the amount of work I'm putting into this thing XD It's a rewrite of one of the worst games in history, its presentation must be grand! 🤣

So yeah. If you're willing to help, thank you so much, I appreciate it 😂 I'll keep those people in mind when I need them to draw an image for a chapter, I'll give them options on what there is 😅

I won't say what to draw immediately since I'm still writing it, and I might shuffle some parts around.. idk

But again, hopefully some of you are willing to contribute 😂 It will help me a lot, and I'll be extremely happy and all that flattering shit 🤣

So umm... I dunno how to close this chapter off 😅

Lemme just say this.... yesterday I finally finished the part of the 06 rewrite that I was so unmotivated to finish, SO I'M BACK ON THE RAILS, BOIS!!! WOOOO!

So umm, I'm very excited to finished writing this thing and edit it, see how good it came out, and make some set for the chapters if there's not enough or no people at all to help me with it XD

BUT AGAIN THIS IS ONLY IF YOU WANT TO DO IT, I'M NOT FORCING ANYBODY!! I'm just overwhelmed with work and I thought this would be a fun idea to have you guys contribute if you want 😂👍🏻

Alright so uh, see ya guys 😂👋🏻

Lemme know if you wanna do this ^^

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