Quick updates on random shit

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Yo guys

I'm not dead XD

I know I've been inactive for a while, but I guess that's what happens when elearning kicks me in the ass and doesn't let me finish the next ATSC chapter (which is in the works I'm like almost halfway through—) and it won't even let me work on the 06 rewrite -_-

But yeah..

A couple things I'd like to mention that have happened recently


I got a power wire on my top row and I got a rubber band I need to wear all day and night now and I'm literally crying inside :')

But hey, that means I'm getting very close to taking my braces off since my bottom row is now pretty straight since it's had the power wire for a while now and the top only needs to close up some gaps here and there and fix up some other things..

When I first got them on I estimated the time I was supposed to get them off (a year and a half btw) and if everything was on schedule then I would've gotten them off in the beginning of junior year— which is like after this summer XD

But uh.... I think that's gonna be pushed back a little...

If I get them off before homecoming it would be a miracle 🤣👏🏻

Also I figured some of you might not know what homecoming is—

It's basically prom but for all grades and it's supposed to celebrate the end of the football season in high school, which is in the fall 🤷🏽‍♀️

So there you go XD

Anyways, in other news...

I have my next AP exam next week.

I'm not sure what the format of AP micro's gonna be, but meh, I could care less 😅

Oh yeah. And I'm not finishing Frankenstein.

I legit rage quit from reading that book XD I had to read it for English, and I got to the second to last chapter and I'm like "nope I am not finishing this—"


My two favorite characters were killed :')

I swear to god Frankenstein's monster is so fucking petty people keep saying "oh the message of the story is that Frankenstein is the true monster, not his creation"

And I'm here like:

"DUDE. VICTOR JUST FUCKED UP AND THAT'S IT. He still cares for his fucking family and he still worries about the abomination he created, he's not a soulless creature! He just fucked up by making the monster and accidentally let it loose!"

And BOOOOYYYYY the monster is not a good guy. Sure, you can say he wasn't disciplined and shit, but this is his logic:

"People are scared of me and don't know what I am so they attack me out of fear? Okay, let's burn their cottage down :)))"



And then there's also

"Victor won't make me a girlfriend so I won't be lonely anymore, and he actually has many good reasons for not doing so? Okay, let's kill his whole fucking family."

If that's not petty I don't know what is.

Anyway, enough about that.

A thing that's been on my mind is a face reveal.

Now, I don't wanna do that too soon.

I'm still ugly as fuck, seeing as I'm 15 and the acne is still here and I don't do makeup to cover it up since I hate it XDD

But uh..

Filters exits 🤷🏽‍♀️

But yeah, I think that if I'm gonna set a bar for a proper face reveal...

It would probably be 500 followers because I know I'm not gonna get there— and if I do get there, it won't be in a while 😉

So hopefully by then I'll look better so that no one would have to bleach their eyes when they see me XDD

I wonder if there's a good image to block my face out tho...

Couldn't find a good one but here's this great meme in my camera roll that I haven't seen in a while

Couldn't find a good one but here's this great meme in my camera roll that I haven't seen in a while

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I love Pit XDD

"i nEvER LeARnED hOW tO REaAaAAAaaAD!!"


So uh...

If I get to 500 followers I'll probably do a face reveal. No promises though XD depends on how quickly it happens, and since my increase in followers rate is slow right now, I decided to set the bar at at least 500 🤣

Mwahaha, I'm a genius XD

So yeah

I'm just doing my thing

I'm gonna try to get the next ATSC chapter out soon, I just can't think straight with the pain in my mouth and schoolwork, so....... yeah

After the next ATSC chapter though, don't expect fast updates because I'm working on the 06 rewrite and I wanna focus fully on it whenever I get the time.

So that's all I got for now

I gotta finish hw

See ya guys 👋🏻

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