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Couple quick updates

Art book will be updated when I'm done with my new digital project (hopefully it won't take too long ^^)

I still needa get ATSC comments together, so please be patient with me 😅 e-learning is very time consuming

Speaking of e-learning, I think I'm actually gonna have more time, because they just changed the format. Fridays are now gonna be catch-up days, and we'll have hours 0, 1, 3, and 4 two days that week and then hours 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be the other two days

So hopefully more free time for me 😂

The 06 rewrite.. still working on it, but I just have less time for it ;-; I'm sorry that I'm working really slow 😅 I wanna make art for the chapters just like I did with Twisted, but I dunno if I'll have the time for that XD

Also with art, what I wanna do is make character profiles for most of the next gen (I'll definitely do profiles for the fan kids, I'll see about the rest of their friends...)

So that means I'll do profiles for: Jase, Kali, Ryder, Crystal, Avery, Coda, Maple, and I guess maybe Hunter and Nova since they're Gadget's kids -_- 😂

But yeah XD

What else should I bring up.... Hmm..

Okay, well, the Hooligans celebrated a birthday yesterday, I guess 😂 that was fun, we played a bunch of Jackbox games and did more Aggie.io XD

So I'll post the Aggie.io in my art book XD

I think that's it...

Welp, see you guys 😂

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