AU With No Name-

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So some quick life updates..

One, we officially have two new Hooligans 😂 So that makes 19 of us XD

One of them I don't know, but the other.... holy shit. I love her so goddamn much. You guys will never believe who it is.

Remember how I mentioned Rose before? Turns out she's a fuckin Hooligan and I'm so fucking happy 🤣👏🏻

And I guess for an initiation (as they also did with me and when we first started the server), we're planning on having some game nights this weekend XD I think there are three... one on Friday, one on Sunday, and one on Monday (we have a day off because Labor Day—). So uhh, fun 🤣

Usually for these game nights it's just a bunch of, Jackbox, Rules of the Game, and a shit more XD

And today we were playing the Halloween 2018 google game, and oh my god it got super competitive 🤣

QLS, we are totally playing this on Discord one day 😂

Anyway, speaking of the Hooligans, we determined that Claudia is a Hooligon. She's the only Hooligon and always will be XDD She's special 😂

See, what happened was that Julia was trying to see if Claudia was a Hooligan (the requirement is you have to know three HoG members, which are Julia, Gi, Alex, Bella, and Izzy). Julia and Izzy know Claudia and love her a lot, but that was about it. So... we didn't invite her to the server, but we also started making jokes about it and we eventually came up with the term "Hooligon", so that's what Claudia is 😂

But we invited her to the My Coop server, which is the Hooligans and Bella's other friend group from another high school. Looks like Hooligons are also qualified to join that 😂

But yeah. That's fun XD

Another funny story...

I love my chem class and my chem teacher. I do not regret taking AP Chem at all 😂

Today we were working on a practice test (it was on a sheet of paper, we had to print it out since we're still doing remote learning). Our teacher told us we could all go work on it and we could call each other if we wanted. She asked what we used, if we used Zoom or Google Meet, and then Bella and I said we use Discord. Obviously our teacher asked what that was, and Bella explain it was Skype but better. She said a couple more things, and our teacher's like, "... Why aren't we using that?!"

I love her 😂

And we also made a chem group chat on Snapchat, and let's just say it already got to a great start XDD

Speaking of which, I started adding people from the GC since why not.

I added one dude I've known for a while (we were in the same German class since freshman year, we also had another class together last year, and now we've got German and Chem)

I feel so bad XDD So he added me back and snapped me. I thought it was a streak, but it said "sup". And kcoeickkwkna I know him and we've talked before but we weren't necessarily close..

So I left him on opened and I feel so bad 🤣🤣

Sorry dude XDD you're cool 😂😂

I'm a socially awkward extrovert XDD


Next on the agenda, I wanna talk about some more fun fandom shit. You guys like that, right? XD

Anyway, in my art book, I announced that my brain decided to come up with a new AU.

It's basically an AU for Sonic I cane up with that just swapped only a few characters' genders just to see how relationships between characters would change.

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