Small Note

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Sometimes I wonder why people still read my stuff here lol

Anyway hi guys 😂

It's been, what, nearly a full year since I last updated this?

Man, where do I even start?

I graduated high school and finished my first semester of college, that's probably the highlight 😅

I've been working on a lot of my own projects, but I write them in Google docs instead of here 😅 sorry guys lmao

But yeah oh my god back to my initial sentence

Some people still follow me here and like my old books, and I'm just sitting here like... okay..?? Look at my cringy past self, sure 😭

Like literally just today, someone was commenting in my second update book o.o and the way I wrote back then was just— 😳 I hate it—


Don't expect me to update this book again 😂

If I do, then uh, I just got bored lol

I'm just letting you guys know now, I'm much more active on Twitter and Instagram! (And Discord but I'm not giving you guys that lmao)

I'm @ SweggyQ on Twitter, and @ sweggyllamaqueen on Instagram :)) at least, as of right now (12/24/22) 👀

I know I teased many ideas for writing projects on here, but ultimately, I don't find myself doing those. There are a few ideas I wish to revisit and maybe I can bring them to you guys, but my main focus is Dangerously Awkward atm (that's the current name for my original story btw XD). I want to fully develop that, and I work on silly little freewrites on the side.

So uhh... sorry? 😅 But again, I'm much more active elsewhere XD I'm not deleting Wattpad, I still have it for storage purposes (and I also still post in my Art Book), but I'm certainly not gonna be writing fanfics like I used to.

In that case, take care, everyone! Merry Christmas and cheers to 2023 :) 🎉

~ Sweggy

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