just a little thought

35 3 18



There's been a lot of things on my mind lately

And they weren't necessarily good things

I just wish I didn't care

But I do

I was talking to Claudia about my thoughts because she mentioned them and it just made me upset all over again.

The topic of toxicity came up, and I asked her if I was.

... Claudia tends to think negatively of me. Sibling stuff, I guess. But she said I was in a way.

But... I don't understand how. I know I definitely was in the past, but now...?

... Am I really toxic?

And... if I am... if there anything I should try to fix...?

I really am trying to not be a bitch to people. I really am. Sometimes I can be short tempered, yeah. But I really don't want that to be everyone's first opinion on me. I don't mean to hurt people unless I actually am attacked for something.

I really do apologize if I did anything to you— to anybody. I just don't want to be shut out, especially by people I don't even know in person.

I feel terrible about all of this.

Sorry about the vent.

I just don't know what to do.

I don't wanna be a bad person, and I wanna know what to fix if I am.


Alright, short vent over...

On a lighter note, I can announce some things

One, the next ATSC chapter will be coming soon :) I finally sorted out the comments 😅

Two, my Art Book should also be updated sometime soon as well

Three, the 06 Rewrite is now at the final battle

So those were book updates

As for personal updates that aren't depressing...

I got into a new fandom

And honestly, I'm not even sad about being dragged into this one

Anyway, I fucking love The Dragon Prince now. Izzy streamed it for me and Tung, and the three of us are the TDP trio in the Hooligans 😅

So... yeah.

And I ship Rayllum hardcore. Funny how in most franchises I never really ship anything super strongly (except in the Sonic franchise, you guys know I love me some Sonaze, Shadouge, and Silvamy XD)

I think the only other thing I really ship is Piridi and Sukka... but even those aren't as strong.

So yeah. I'm desperately waiting for season four ;^;

So I guess my list of fandoms now:

- Sonic
- Undertale

Fandoms I don't participate in but I enjoy/love the content (the series/movie/etc):
- Kid Icarus
- Avengers / MCU
- Cursed Princess Club (Webtoon)
- Gravity Falls
- Mario (especially Galaxy)
(Speaking of which, I can proudly announce that I have 100% beaten SMG1 and SMG2. I have to thank Claudia for helping me as P2 in Grandmaster Galaxy though.. the Perfect Run gave me hell ;-;)
- Percy Jackson

I think that's it..?

Anyway, again, sorry for the short vent

I needed to let it out, I'm just upset over the whole thing

But I hope the happier stuff lifted the weight off a bit...?

... not for long for me though tbh. I just want everything to turn out okay.

Before I start venting again, I'm gonna sign off for this chapter.

See ya guys 👋🏻

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