hAcKiNg sOLveS aLL yOuR PRoBLemS

55 7 46

The title is obviously sarcasm

But it has something to do with what I'm about to talk about

Anyway, I'm gonna bring some updates to you guys

So first

I still haven't assembled the ATSC questions. I just can't find the time to sit through it, so I'm super sorry. It's probably been about a month now since the last update, and I'm sincerely sorry I can't get to it. A lot's been on my mind, and I can't get time alone since corona sucks and everyone's at home and making me do chores and shit 😅

Another thing... so I got a Microsoft account just to play Minecraft with other people, and so Claudia and I played a bit, and we told the rest of the QLS to try to get Microsoft accounts if they have either Pocket Edition or frickin PC or whatever would work to play together

Shaye got it

So let's just say Claudia, Shaye and I were all literally fooling around on Minecraft sniffing fuckin flowers 🤣


What's next...

I made a compilation of videos I had of Claudia and put Hall of the Mountain King isn't he background.

The outcome is glorious.

I put it on my close friends story on my Instagram, a few of you are on it ^^

Now for what the title says

So.... umm... in my NEL story... I got three comments about the same fucking shit. Basically it was this "adult" ranting about how they (probably a she) were in an abusive marriage because her husband was cheating on her and shit or something idfk. And she solved that problem by contacting a hacking service or something (she provided the phone number and email as if I wanted to contact them— ON ALL THREE OF THE COMMENTS SHE HAD) and they helped her access her ex husband's phone or whatever so she could catch him cheating on her and end the marriage right there.

First of all, woman, I don't fucking care.

Second, why the fuck would you comment about the same gosh darn thing in three different chapters in different variations?




Fourth, don't you fuckin' realize there there are people on this app/website who read this book that are younger than 13? Heck, there are definitely many people on here who aren't even married yet.

And fifth, why the fuck are you including a damn phone number and an email to a hacking service in the fucking comment section for everyone to access?

You're stupid! You're acting like every relationship is bad just because of that one fucking marriage! Not every relationship is bad! And if you're going to talk about that, don't talk about it in a fucking fanfiction! Comment that in an autobiography, NOT A FANFICTION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! People want to enjoy the story (as bad as it is), dammit!

Also stop promoting the hacking system. A part of me believes that you didn't even go through that shit and you just made that up just to promote it. People who promote unknown websites and phone numbers are not welcome in the comment sections in my book, let alone on my account in general.

Also, I just hate extreme self promotion. I might self promote sometimes, but I never go to other people's accounts and promote myself there.

Alright, short rant over

I'm debating whether or not to delete her comments, but I kinda want her to see my responses to her. I'll give it a day and maybe then I'll delete them, I dunno

In their news...

For the 06 rewrite, I haven't been able to sit down and work on it in a bit, I'm really gonna have to do that. I wanna finish it as quickly as possible so that I can start my next projects.

As for art, I'm still working on the animatic. I'm hoping to get more of it done today XD

I might digitalize the newer version of Ezria, because I changed her design a little 😅

And I might make another digital Sonaze drawing soon too since I really gotta appreciate my OTP more 😂

Then hopefully at some point when I have the time I'll draw the profiles for the next gen (I'm gonna do like ten of them ;-;)

I also need to finish the 20 art styles challenge XDD I'm 2/5ths the way through 🤣

I don't know if there's anything else I need to finish... time to overwork myself! 😅😅

Welp, see ya guys 👋🏻

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