2022 👀

45 2 3

Ayo, it's the new year :D

Man, a lot has happened over this winter break 😂 I was not as productive as I would like to have been, but I still have some updates to share

This is one of the completely random ones, but I got Minecraft Java edition, so I've been on VC with my IRL friends a lot to play on their server with them :D already built myself a cliff house that I'm still touching up and trying to finish :>

There was a sad thing that happened tho ;-; the first pet I ever got was a blue parrot when I was visiting Mysti's house that's in the jungle biome  not too far from our general town area. I named him Berdley bc ofc I did XD

I had to leave him there for a while bc I was a dumbass and died when I was there, and he was sitting down and didn't teleport with me. So I finally went back there some time later (like a real time day later I think) and asked Mysti for directions again bc I didn't know my way around yet XD I got Berdley and uhhh

I got lost and was wandering around skdknf

And while I was doing that, he was blown up by a creeper 😭

I was so upset

Even worse, Mysti told me yesterday on VC that she found another blue parrot and was gonna leash it to me, but then she stopped talking and said "uh—"

Apparently he clot blown up by another creeper 😭 Berdley was resurrected only to die the same wayyyy ;-;

We were laughing but it was like a "NOOO WHYYY" kind of laughter XD

On a positive note, I hosted a candle-lit dinner at my house when I built the kitchen table and we all shared food and took our armor off and put our weapons away and everything 😌 ...and then it turned into a bar fight XD

We also played hide and seek, which was fun 😂 we developed the rules as we went but omg it was actually fun

I would also like to shout out my sister for providing me with more that half of my materials for my house skdnfjsfj thank you for running my errands XD

Enough about Minecraft now

I also just finished a mini essay for a scholarship.. I completely butchered it since it was about federal credit unions, but oh boy 😂 please gimme that 1k—

Trying to work on a 5k portfolio scholarship for the school I wanna go to as well :') I'm hoping that goes well too—

Oh and


I have massive Cole and Nina brain rot

Like I'm not even kidding— one of my IRL friends and I hopped on vc bc I asked them for help with formatting my story and brainstorm ideas. Oh my god. That session with them was so fucking helpful I literally can't believe it. By the end of that call, I already knew my overview of seasons 1 and 2, and how each would start and end.

The next day a few more friends (including that same friend as well) and I had an OC talk, where all of us were sharing our OCs and asking for opinions, help with development, stuff like that. It was so cool and fun :D

The best part is, my friends were so happy with me when I was talking about Cole and Nina's story with so much passion and joy. Two of them pointed out and said, "Dude, not even a year ago, you were scared to even draw humans for when you would start AP Studio since you only drew Sonic. You've come so far and improved so quickly." And I just sobbed 😭❤️ I'm so proud of how far I've come, those comments made me so happy skkdkgng

And finally, the next day, the same friend from before hopped on again to help me develop season 3, and another friend (Mysti actually), who also participated in the OC talk, hopped in and was giving her input as well. They both helped me so much, and though we only cleared up some of the ending of season 2 and beginning of season 3, it still gave me more ideas to think about.

Cloud (my sister) also helped that third time, too! She actually came up with a good interaction between Cole and Nina's other friends in the beginning of season 3 👀 I will not tell you guys what the context is tho 😌

But yeah

Massive brain rot

Other fun things to note for myself idk XD

Just before 2021 ended, two bigger Sonic artists I follow on Twitter followed me back and I was like o.O omg—

The awkward part is that they don't like each other from what I've heard, but they share a lot of mutuals, so I'm not too worried about that

What else

I'm learning to solve a Rubik's cube :D

OH and I'm also working on my fan kids a lot more now! :D I'm developing stories and it makes me so happy skkdnf



I loved it but also hated it for making me feel the feelings I felt 😤

One last serious thing before I close off tho

Okay it's not that serious but hngmgmh

There is an online friend that's been bothering me lately. I'm not gonna say who and they are not on this platform as far as I'm aware, but they've been kinda acting a little bit too... idk, self absorbed recently?? It's good to have self confidence, but theirs is a little... high. It's kinda raised to the point where they compare themselves to others— and put themselves in the higher light.

It's hard to explain what I mean by that without going into detail, but yeah, I'm basically annoyed by how they're acting. There are multiple little things that build up, but that's besides the point, I'm not gonna list them all. I just wanted to (not really vent out it but) talk about it ig, write it down somewhere. I do plan on telling them in case it gets worse, dw. If they do it again, I will express my annoyance.

That's that 😂

Anyway it's 3 am and I should probably sleep now

Good night XD

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