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*slams on desk*


I'm back and alive 😂

I had to fight a giant fuckin monster to get here but all is good

(That was a joke, I didn't have to fight anyone— 😂)

Anyway, I've got some news for all of you

Probably the most exciting for you will be the book updates, but I'll get through personal crap first

So first off

I already mentioned that I have a bf now. But if I'm being honest, being in this relationship is really helping me discover myself.

First of all, I realized I might love him more platonically than sexually, which makes me feel super bad for even saying yes to dating him because, well, he loves me more than I love him. Soooo... I gave myself a 2 month time slot (the due date for my assignment is December 1st) to see if my feelings change at all. If they don't or if they lessen, then I'll just have to break up.

I'm doing this for the better. And besides, I talked to my friends about it, and they told me that I shouldn't force myself to do anything to make someone else happy.

So I love my bf, don't get me wrong, but not that way. But who knows, maybe things will change in the less than two months I have left to decide 😂


Because I feel this way, I think I might've narrowed down my sexuality.

For a while I thought I might be somewhere on the ace spectrum, and I knew for a fact I was definitely a heterosexual/heteroromantic (because I'm not attracted to wOmEn)

And uhhh... yeah. I think I have three options.

Who knew that me thinking I was a demisexual was wrong? 😂

Turns out, I might actually be a cupiosexual, which is someone who desires to be in a relationship, but they don't feel that kind of attraction towards anyone.

Haha.. ha..


Okay no, but for real, I think you all know how much a wanted a bf, especially to see what it's like. And... it seems like I got what I wanted, but no, I actually don't. Don't get me wrong, he's a fantastic friend, but I just don't feel that attraction.

Soooo.... cupio kinda fits me most right now.

But if I do develop feelings during this time period (this is why I gave myself a time limit by the way, just so I don't break up with him immediately), that'd make me a recipsexual, which is someone who might develop feelings for someone when they discover that that person has feelings for them.

So yeah. If nothing changes, I'm saying I'm a cupio. If I develop stronger feelings, I'll classify myself as a recip.

But I also had another one in mind.

An akoisexual.

This is when someone doesn't want or need someone to reciprocate their feelings, and if the person does like them back, you might lose your attraction towards that person.

You see, this is my first relationship, so I can't really say. However, if there does end up being a second person and this happens again, welp, I found my actual sexuality.

But I guess in general you can call me a graysexual 🤣🤣

(I guess all of these little sexualities are more specific to this broad one XD)

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