Acc Updates? New AU/Story?

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Hey everyone! Just a quick update before I go to sleep—

I have officially deleted/archived my old Ship Opinions book and made a new one!! Feel free to read through the rules and comment down ships for me to go over!

Next, a friendly reminder that the 06 Rewrite updates every Monday and Thursday! So far I believe 10 chapters at out, only a few more left!

Omg I actually needa write out that concepts chapter—

Ah— I'll figure that out

Before I get to the last Wattpad related update, I'm gonna go over some life updates

I start school again on Monday. It's gonna be my last year of high school, so I'm gonna work extra hard on it. I might not be as active here, especially considering that Insta and Twitter are my priority social medias. Feel free to follow me there if you want to see me more active.

I'm also having VERY confusing feelings about everything right now :')) I'm literally gonna scream— I know I'm definitely hetero, that's for sure

Long story short, I'm still questioning how my crushes work and where I lie sexuality-wise

Uhhh what else— umm...

Y'know what, let's get to the story shit.

I may or may not be developing a new Sonaze AU that may become a new Sonaze story on Wattpad.


A good friend of mine, Miragelights (Insta/Twitter), and I decided to do a collab/trade. I drew her lineart of her OC x Silver (since she ships that), and she drew me Sonaze

But not just any Sonaze stuff—

She asked me beforehand, "How would you feel about a Royalty AU?"

And I told her yes

And when I got it, my god I fell in love with it :')) 💗 I love it so much—

So then as I'm coloring it, I'm starting to think about what kind of scenario they would be in for this AU. And then it keeps branching more into lore. And more story. And more character. And more—


I'm making a Royalty Sonaze AU all because of Mirage. Mirage, I love you, but also fuck you because i needa be productive on important things 😭😭

Keep an eye out for new Art Book chapters in the future, I'll definitely draw more stuff for this AU 👀

Alright that's all, I gotta go sleep

See ya guys 👋🏻

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