German Sonic Forces

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It's been a long day, and it wasn't great

However, there was one thing that I would like to share with you guys that actually did let me enjoy my day a little bit


Claudia was playing Sonic Forces while on a call with Shaye, and I was continuing my 20 styles art challenge (yes, I'm doing that, and it's a pain in the ass 🤣)

In the middle of it, I go to Claudia for something, and then she says, "Olivia Olivia Olivia look look look look"

And one of the Sonic Forces cutscenes plays

In German

I wheezed XDD

She literally changed the game to German, meaning we not only got to see the German subtitles (that we can actually understand to a certain extent since we take German) by we got to hear the characters' voices 🤣

And oh my god

Lemme just say...

Claudia and I laughed our asses off

Alright, now lemme rate the voices. I'm gonna save the worst for last XD

So which ones were the best?


Also, I dunno why, but I was laughing my ads off when Knuckles said "alright everyone, the world's not gonna save itself" 🤣👏🏻 I just loved the phrasing I guess XD

But yeah

Knuckles was 10/10

Shadow was also great. When he said "Chaos Control" in German I was a little scared cuz his voice was so raspy, but when he said "that was a fake" I was like "WoAh HIS VOICE SOUNDS GOOD"

And then Rouge

Claudia and I were both worried for her when we heard her say what she did when Omega arrived, but during the final scene with her in the headquarters, she sounded so good omggg

And Infinite sounded okay, the VA knows what tone to set

Eggman was also okay, I don't have strong opinions about him

Vector and Espio were also pretty good

Omega was also pretty on point

But then there are the bad ones

So the ones that weren't so bad?

Silver wasn't too bad, he was just too quiet and emotionless. When he was saying, "Does anyone but you believe your lies?!", he was supposed to yell at Infinite with disbelief and disgust. The German Silver literally just said his lines as if he was saying it under a normal circumstance. Like.. there was literally not emotion whatsoever

Silver's voice is good, but the VA is emotionless and he's a little too quiet

No other complaints

Charmy? A little too girly, but otherwise okay

Amy just sounds like the older generation Minnie Mouse 😑

Tails is okay, but he also suffers from a quiet voice, and I feel like he cuts off way too many consonants when he speaks.

His voice is raspy, but not raspy enough 😅

And for the big finish...


Oh my god

Sonic's VA was terrible

He's worse than Roger! I didn't even know that was possible! 🤣

He literally sounds like Roger but a billion voice cracks per sentence, there is not a single sentence that he says without a fucking voice crack




And I was laughing so hard because I understood what he was saying since I understand a pretty good amount of German, and the fact that his voice was so bad just made me roll on the floor 🤣

Literally ask Claudia I was on the floor for a solid minute punching the ground and laughing

Oh my god I wish there was a YouTube video of how bad Sonic's voice is in German 😂 his voice won't stop cracking XDD

Omg I found one

I actually found one 🤣👏🏻

And in this one, the German one is the very last one 😂😂

"hEy, iNfINiTe!"

Oh my god his voice crack 🤣👏🏻

I will forever remember how bad Sonic's German VA is 😂😂

Don't worry, I'm not trashing Germans, my German friends XD Sonic's German VA is just not okay 😅😅

Claudia wanted to see if there was a Polish one, but there were only subtitles and not any Polish voice overs so I was sad ;-;

I definitely wanna check out more languages though, even though I won't understand shit

Alright I'm done with that

As for book updates...

I might update my art book soon. I'm not done with the 20 art styles challenge, but I might as well post another chapter before that one since it'll take a while

ATSC... I don't know how long it'll take for me to update. I'm sorry for the delay... I just can't find the motivation to put the comments together right now. Hopefully the ATSC readers that's don't read my updates book won't get mad at me if they don't know what's happening 😅

I'm working on Avery's SFK part in Short Stories, so that should be out at some point, don't know when

Still working on the 06 rewrite.. I really wish I was more motivated to write it, because I don't want it to sit while I become less and less wanting to write it...

I dunno, just gimme time guys 😅

That's all I got for now, I guess

Forgive me for my inactiveness, I still read and respond to comments, I'm just taking a small break from writing 😅😅


Bye guys 👋🏻

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