Panik :'))

36 2 23

Hey guys!

Been a while, huh? XD

So umm... I decided to post a 1am update 😂


So first off


We're starting our blended learning this week. There are four groups, and we go four days (Wednesday is full remote). I go Friday. Soooo.. yaaaaaayyyyyyy.... 😅

Next, I fucking love Among Us 😂 I know it's everywhere and some people might be annoyed by it at this point, but dude, it is so much fun when you play with friends XD

Playing online is kinda annoying because you have to type... but yeah playing with friends over Discord is so funny 😂

I was Imposter 3 times in a row once (and I was the only one since we didn't have enough players for two imposters), and dude, I won every time 🤣👏🏻 I have no idea how XD I'm a horrible liar, but I am good at keeping a similar tone to my normal voice 😂 I'm just reaaaaally bad at coming up with excuses XD

But yeah, the game's super fun, especially with friends to stab each other in the back 🤣

So uhh, if anyone's ever up for it when time isn't an issue... XDD


What's another thing... Oh yeah, Izzy, Tung and I are starting to show Dragon Prince to the rest of the gang 😂 We only watched one episode so far, but I'm still excited about knowing everything that's gonna happen XD

Mmm, can't wait to see everyone's reactions while I laugh right before the event knowing what's gonna be coming 😂


I just remembered this but...




... I think I found out I'm definitely somewhere on the ace spectrum 🤣 I'm definitely not 100% ace, but I definitely do care who I end up with/asks me out.

Because... umm... there was this one guy who was playing Fall Guys with Claudia and some of her friends. He's an internet friend I think, he lives in another state in the Midwest, so it's like a 3 hour drive.

I walk into the room and say hello to Claudia and her friends since I know them. Ben as usual tells me to shut up XD

But one of those friends I didn't know, but we kinda started talking. Claudia kept telling me what her friends wanted to tell me, like "Alex says this" or "Ben tells you to shut up" and stuff like that 😂

So... this guy tells Claudia to ask me if I'm single. I said, "Yes. And always have been XD"

... and he said that he's gonna get over here and ask me out.

I got a little uncomfortable and flustered if I'm being completely honest 😅 Like don't get me wrong, he's cool and nice from my interactions with him so far, but... I won't just say yes to just anybody that asks me out 😅 (and besides, the chances of anybody even asking me out is low 🤣)

Bruh he doesn't even know what I look like XD

So I said, "bruh as soon as you see me you're gonna be like 'yeah nope'" 😂

And he asked for my Snapchat.

Keep in mind, this is all being told to me through Claudia. She's hearing all this. She's the one relaying the messages to me.

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