(Kinda) Tag - 4

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Aight guys

I'm not dead

So in order to celebrate I'm not dead

I found this question thingie XD

I found this question thingie XD

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Let's do this

1) 15 (16 in less than a month)

2) about 5'1 (I'm short for my age ;-;)

3) I'm assuming this is zodiac..? So Gemini.

4) I mean, I'm Polish, what do you expect? XD I'm Roman Catholic, but I'm not super extreme like every Polish person is 😂 I just follow the religion, that's it ^^
Also, I have no problem with other religions so please don't argue with me about mine (COUGH LANDON XDDD)

5) Democrat. I mean, I might even be libertarian... but I'm mostly a liberal 🤷🏽‍♀️

6) wtf XDD Uh... a little bit of both to even things out? 😅

7) something with art or voice acting.. but it's highly unlikely ;-;

8) straight, but I crush like a demisexual (so I'm demi but my emotional bond crushing only applies to guys)

9) I have a MacBook so.... XDD

10) Website? ... idk about website 😂 I'm just gonna say Wattpad bc it kinda counts—

11) none ;-;

12) Okay this I did have, but on the cheek. It was a truth or dare couples edition (none of us were actually dating, we just flipped coins/chose numbers to be paired up). So the dare was to full on make out but we decided to tone it down to just a kiss on the cheek.


So yeah. I kissed him, and he kissed me. It felt super weird since we weren't dating and we were just friends, but... it happened 🤷🏽‍♀️

13) I don't get dms/dm people on Twitter

14) no..? I don't think so..

15) Gravity Falls ^^

also ATLA is pretty good so far, my friends (the Hooligans) invited me to binge watch with them and we got through half the first season. Pretty good so far. Great inside jokes came from watching it 😂

16) I have a couple. Most people just call me by my actual name, Olivia, but most of my close friends (certain close friends—) call me Olive Oil or Olive Garden. And only they are allowed to call me that :))

17) I don't drive yet—

I'm gonna be so late to start driving -_- Thanks corona—

18) it's nighttime so I'm wearing my pajamas... but today I wore my red Bukowina Tatrzańska shirt (it's my highlander group) and black shorts (I think they're called booty shorts specifically but meh whatever no one cares -_-)

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