Ex Issues / 06 Rewrite Chapter Drawings Update

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At guys what's up

Just some quick updates

Personal first and books last, as always XD

So if you're not interested in the first stuff, feel free ago scroll down to the book updates


So first off

I broke up. I'm actually happy I did, because damn did I notice that my ex was axing kinda weird -_-

Like even now, he's avoiding joining the VC a lot more (which is understandable bc you know, don't wanna have leftover feelings get in the way), but not only that, he was acting really passive aggressive.

Honey, no. No thank you.

Not to get dramatic or anything, but one time me, two other friends (I'll call one Mysti and the other I'll just say Tina bc well her insta includes her actual name XD) were in with me. Meg and Deb were there too.

So the five of us were chillin in the VC and then Tina and I start talking about a possible art trade. I challenged her to draw a Mobian (she chose Tidal) but she kept jokingly begging me to humanize her bc she's afraid she's gonna fuck up mobian proportions 🤣

Mysti then says that it's not that hard, that she's done it once before and it's pretty easy

And I back her up seeing as I draw mobians all the time XD

(Btw Tina gave me an enstars character.. I can't remember the name, it started with an M 😂)

I dunno if this art trade is happening for real but I'm willing to do it 😂

But yeah happened

I sent Tina references of Tidal, and Tina being Tina starts joking that Tide has a titty window 🤣

Ofc I knew she was joking, but I kept saying "NOOOOO" and I kept explaining it's just a white stripe on her top and that the shading kinda made it look the way it did 😂

This is the reference she was talking about-

It's obvious there's no titty window but it's Tina, it's to be expected XD

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It's obvious there's no titty window but it's Tina, it's to be expected XD

So me, her and Mysti are kinda just laughing about this (Mysti wasn't saying much tho, all she said was "heh, titty window")

And my ex comes in the midst of all this.

So he hears me and Tina "argue" more, and he has the audacity to say this:

"You know, you can just mute her. I can tell you're getting kinda annoyed, so you could do that."



Okay, he and Tina don't know each other well, fair. But oh my god you do not have to "protect" me like that, I can handle myself, and plus we aren't even dating anymore.

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