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I'm making a discord server, as the title says.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm gonna invite random people or not— if I know you, then yes, cool, you'll most likely be invited.

This server will also most likely contain my irl friends so that my close internet friends and irl friends can be cool with each other.

Obviously I'm creating private channels and shit, or else it'll be chaos -_-

Like I said, I dunno if I'll add in everybody.

So far, the roles are:

- Admin (me)
• kinda obvious what this role is

- Co-Admin (Claudia)
• she has more permissions than everyone else except me. She's only unable to ban/kick people, but she's allowed to invite people only if I'm okay with it— she's my sister so she'd obviously tell me who she'd want to invite 🤣

• This one is for the QLS members only. This consists of me, Claudia, Shaye, Cookie, Sophie, and Usako. If any of you girlies eventually join that server, that role will be given to you.

I would make a Yesn role, but I feel like the Yesn Squad just expanded to the QLS with the addition of Sophie and Usako so... what would be the point of making a Yesn Squad chat 😂😅

I mean... unless all Yesn Members want me to make a role for that I will—

- Hooligan
• I'm not sure if all of my Hooligan friends will come onto the server, but there's a role for them in case some do.
Once again, like for QLS, only Hooligans are allowed in that channel.
I even blocked others without the role from viewing it because privacy and shit.

- Neighborhood Squad
• This applies to the people who are neighborhood friends. They're mostly Claudia's friends, but I'm in that squad, and if any of them come on the server, they will get that role 😂

- IRL Friends
• This one is a lower rank than Hooligan and Neighborhood Squad. This role is for anyone who is my irl friend but isn't a Hooligan or an NS member (however, Hooligans and NS members will have this role too). Pretty easy to understand.

- Internet Friends
• Just like with IRL Friends, this role is given to all internet friends, even those who aren't in QLS or Yesn if Yesn becomes a role.

- Wattpad
• This one is the lowest rank. This just means I met you through Wattpad. This one applies to QLS and Internet Friends as well, even though the people with those roles will have access to more channels. The Wattpad role pretty much only has access to the Wattpad Channel. This is because that even though I talk to many people on here, not everyone is as close as the QLS or other internet friends. So to avoid having my friends argue with people that even I don't know that well, I'm limiting a lot of permissions for you guys :/

But anyone who has this role plus another one (like QLS or Internet Friends) then you have more permissions 😅

The @everyone role is practically useless. I made sure you can't type everywhere. If you get on the server, I myself will give you a role if I think you apply to one.


That's all I got.

If I have you on discord, good for you, you'll most likely get an invite 😂

I dunno how far I'm gonna expand the server, but I'm hoping to keep everything under control.

So uh... yeah.

So far, the only people on the server are me and Claudia because I'm setting it up while she's being my tester 😂 Like I said, she's also Co-Admin XD


If you end up on the server and you disrespect any of my friends, I'm kicking you out and I'll ban you. End of story.

Heck, maybe through this server we could play games and make our own stupid fandubs. Who knows. I'll see how that would work.

Again, I'm not inviting everybody just yet. If you request to be added but I don't add you, don't be offended, that's only because I'm testing things out with a few people first that I trust with this first.


As for other updates...

I'm finally getting my ass back to work on the 06 rewrite now that the ATSC chapter was released. I'm desperately hoping t finish the rewrite by the end of summer, but I don't know if that's gonna happen because of my lazy and unmotivated ass 😅

As for art stuff, I'm currently working on something pretty cool, it's a marker project XD It's of the QLS members— just like I have done it with the Avengers and how Shaye has done it with Hazbin Hotel... I've done it again with Kid Icarus characters. So I'm drawing the designs out and coloring with marker and shit 🤣

The six characters I chose to put ourselves into (since there are definitely more KIU characters—) are Pit, Palutena, Dark Pit, Viridi, Phosphora, and Hades. Claudia, Shaye, and Sophie work well for several characters, but I had to narrow it down somehow 😂


I'm also gonna flesh out Jase's new design. Some of you may know this already, but for those of you who don't, I changed Jase's design a little so he actually looks like Sonaze kid. I realized he looked a little bit like a Shadaze kid, so I'm giving him more of Sonic's features 😅

I'm still working on the 20 art styles ;-; I'm halfway through, I'm working on the SVTFOE one next.

Oh yeah. I'm also going back to the I Love You Too story and I'm doodling a comic. If get good at the comic style (I suck at making the boxes for each image, I'm just uncreative and make a fucking grid instead of boxes with cool shapes and shit—), then maybe I'll make it digital 🤷🏽‍♀️

Eventually if I start animating and get a group of voice actors (that will definitely take a while), I wanna animate it.

Alright, that's all I got for now.

If I feel the need to, I'll post more updates about the discord server. Again, I dunno how it'll turn out, I'll take things slow and invite only a few people at a time (the first people will obviously be people I trust only, so... yeah.)

We good? Cool.

See ya guys 👋🏻

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