Confusion, Pain, ATLA,, and Book Updates

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So ummm

It's been a little while 😅

A few personal updates and then book updates

So first

I'm at the home stretch with my braces

Yesterday I got them tightened— and I got a rubber band on the other side of my mouth (so now I think the mini overbite is being dealt with) and now I have rubber bands in between my molars..? They said it's to straighten the molars a bit but if the band comes out it's not too bad..

So I'm confused XD

How do I know I'm at the home stretch?

My mom said she paid the last check for the orthodontist, and when I first got them, I made an estimation on when I should be getting them off, which is this September. But that was a pure estimation, who knows if I'm gonna need another appointment after my next one.

They didn't tell me if I'm gonna be getting them off next time, but either I will be (but it's not likely since they didn't tell me), or I'll have them off the appointment after that.

So uh, my pain will soon be over 😂

In like, what, two months at least? Still, getting them off this year :D

Also, I'm getting new glasses -_- I wanted to keep my old frames, but if I did, I would have to keep my glasses there for two weeks... :/

So I would be blind for two fucking weeks—


I don't like the new ones too much. Maybe I'll get used to them, idk. They look okay on the outside, but the inside is a lavender, and I feel like that's gonna bother me -_-

But the person helping me pick them out said that the lavender on the inside makes the color on the outside look a little lighter...? I guess that makes sense, but still, I would rather have one solid color -_-

I like my old gray glasses ;-;

But I didn't wanna leave them since I have summer work to do and my mom says it's time for a change 😒

But fuck it, I'll probably get used to it :/

What's next...

I feel like shit...

Probably because of the pain the braces are giving me right now. It's a time.

But I just feel like shit in general.

I feel so unmotivated to do anything, and my head fucking hurts ;-;

Another thing, I really don't know how school's gonna be...

I really want things to be normal again. I want to go to school, see everybody, have a normal homecoming dance and Color Wars, I wanna have IFest, maybe even go to turnabout with friends since no one loves me.. I just wanna have a normal school year. And considering this is gonna be Claudia's first year as well, I wanna let her have a good experience.

Also I really want homecoming to happen since I actually have a group of friends now and I want to redeem my dress choices -_-

(Seriously, I didn't go out to buy them, I either borrowed or used an old one.)

The one freshman year looked okay, but I wore a leather jacket with it -_-

And sophomore... the dress on its own is great. On me? Not so much.

If homecoming does happen, which again, I really hope it does (if not I'm hosting my own, fuck it), I'm going out to buy my own dress this time. I'm very disappointed in my past clothing choices 😂

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