ATLA Forces Me To Cry + My Drawing Was Featured in an Edit

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Hey guys 😂

Quick updates on things

Book ones first since that's probably the more important thing for most of you XD

The Sonic 06 rewrite is doing very well, I just recently finished Silver's episode ^^

Only Sonic's left and then we've got the final story!! And then editing time and art time for the chapters 😂😂

I started the Sonic swap story in case I wanted a little break from writing the 06 rewrite so I can get a head start 😅 So far, making Sonic and Knuckles freak out because they're both girls now is great XD

ATSC... I cropped some of the comments but I didn't put them together yet :/ I'm really unmotivated to go through all the comments, I just wanna get to the writing portionnnn ;-;;

Art Book 2 will probably have another update maybe at the end of next week...? I'm working on a digital drawing and I sketched a few things already, so hopefully I'll have enough content by then XD


Now that I'm done updating on books...

Time to update on life XD

So first...

Claudia decided to start doing big brain research on Fire Emblem Fates because she really likes Corrin (she mains him in Smash) and wanted to learn more about him and his game.

Let's just say she's loving it a lot (she's watching a play through) and she got Lost in Thoughts All Alone stuck in my head 😂

It's so prettyyyy the piano in the beginningggg aaaaaaaa

Plus, apparently Azura sings it, so I'm like "ONE OF MY FAVORITE SPIRITS FROM WORLD OF LIGHT SINGS THIS?! FUCK YES—"

So yeah 😂 Claudia says that knowing me I might ship Corrin and Azura... and from what she's told me so far... I feel like I might 🤣


So that's fun XD Claudia and I are digging ourselves into a new fandom and I'm scared 😂



Some of my Hooligan friends and I have ATLA sessions and we watch the show together over Discord. See, all of them have seen it... that is, except me and Megan.

So we're constantly hearing things like "oh no it's this part!" and stuff like that XD


We are currently in the middle of Season 2

And the last episode we watched today was Tales of Ba Sing Se or whatever that was called



So uhhhh

Let's just say Tung, who was the only one with me and Megan today, was really emotional when Iroh started singing a pretty song to a little boy who was crying

So I was like "... am I supposed to recognize this song..? It's been a while since I watched the show—"

And he tells me, "You'll see—"

...... so Iroh goes onto a hill and starts setting something up. The song starts playing.

"Happy birthday, my son."


And Tung cried with us, too XD

But oh my god the song made me sob so much and now it's stuck in my head along with Lost in Thoughts All Alone 😭

"Leaves from the vine,
Falling so slow,
Like fragile, tiny shells,
Floating in the foam...

Little soldier boy,
Come marching home,
Brave soldier boy,
Comes marching home."



I feel so bad for Iroh, I—


Lemme go cry again—

For those of you who haven't watched ATLA, I don't wanna spoil for you, but Iroh's just such a great character... his story is just ;-;;

I guess the same goes for Zuko.. I used to hate how fucking edgy he was... but he's becoming better now, so hopefully by the end of the show I won't hate him as much 😅

After all, I am supposed to be voicing him and Toph for the fan dub my friends and I are gonna do 😂😅 (I don't know if we're gonna upload it anywhere, but if it is, I'll let you all know XD)

Also, I fucking hate Jet, he's so petty. Like I know he's trying to start a new life and all but as soon as he sees Iroh use firebending he's all like "imma expose them—" and shit. Alright, I know, the fire nation is bad and killed your family, but it doesn't mean you have to a) attempt to flood a fire nation village with innocent families and b) try to expose Zuko and Iroh when they did nothing bad to you





So I put my phone aside for a second and looked on Instagram for some shit





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I'm so fucking happy 😂

Like, dude, you guys have no idea how shocked I was and how close to happy tears I came XD

Never in my life did I think one of my drawings would be in an edit 😂 When you look up Sonaze, you have to scroll far to even find my stuff, so I figured that I'd never have one of my drawings featured in one of those edits...


I... I don't even know when the edit came out, all I know is I was watching it and then I saw my drawing and I stared at the edit wide eyed and jaw dropped 🤣

Who knew one of my tiniest little dreams would come true so soon? XDD

I kinda wanna learn how to edit now 😂 They seem so cool—

I wonder if Hitfilm is a good program for those kinds of tribute edits... I know it's a good editing program in general since I've edited videos in it before (cough Shaye vs Sans, cough Hooligans as Vines)

I'll see 😂


Those are all the updates I got for now XD

It's past 12 am, so I guess it's the 4th of July...

So happy 4th everybody, even if you're not in America 😂


See ya guys 👋🏻

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