Comlege Teim

26 1 2

Hi :)

College applications are shit


I'm not gonna talk about a lot here, just wanna say a few things

I'm considering ending the ATSC book. I wanna end it on a proper chapter, or maybe find another way to do it... heck, maybe reboot it, because it's cringe.

But another part of me just wants that phase to be over. That stage of my Wattpad journey as a writer is over at this point. I'm focused more on artwork, but I still freewrite from time to time.

There's a short Sonaze story I've been meaning to finish in my short stories drafts, but I can't find a way to finish it off 😂

All I can say is that it includes a lot of blushing and embarrassed Blaze :)


Irl time

Like I said before, I'm going into college next year. I needa submit my applications and I'm hoping and praying I make it into a particular liberal arts school in my area 😭 it's got majors I'm interested in, so I would love that

My other option is some other college in state that has decent art programs, but it's still a general college :/

But yeah, I've been working my ass off, both in school and in art. It's uhh... it's been draining me

I'm hanging out on Discord a lot in different VCs and such, but I think I should take a break because there have been some that just... they just have people that I cannot stand, and I kind of need to keep away from them before they piss me off to the point I start yelling at them -_-

Why do I join them? Because my friends are there :')

Oh well. So yeah, I kinda wanna take a break from VCs, but knowing me as an extrovert, that won't be possible.

What else can I— oh, right, calculus is a bitch skdnnfkc

I hate trig with a burning passion 🤧

I needa update my art book more frequently so I don't have a whole dump in a day, but ughhh I don't have the timeeee 😭

I'll try to do it sometime soon??? Maybe?? I dunno, no promises :'((

Alright, I needa fuckjn rest. My sleep schedule fuckin sucks.

Hope you all have been well, take care guys 💕

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