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I just found this and decided to do it

You could do it if you want, you don't need to

Here's the shit

Here's the shit

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1) I listed way too many at one point... but I can't choose a favorite ;-;

One day I'm just gonna list my whole drawing playlist—

2) for females... irl, it's Claudia and the female Hooligans. Internet, the QLS.

For males, irl, it's Landon (and technically the rest of he neighborhood squad despite them being mostly Claudia's friends) and the male Hooligans.

3) I guess I'm straight. Even though I said I crush like a demisexual does, I don't really know if I am a full on demi. So I'll just safely say I'm straight, though I do have similarities to a demi.

4) How about no? At 500 followers maybe since I know I either will never get there or I won't get there in a while so I'd look better by then—

5) oh god... okay... Claudia can be super sweet when she isn't constantly roasting me..

but for the #1 sweetest person I know, I have to say my Hooligan friend Julia. She's just so nice to everybody, and not only that, she doesn't know any dirty jokes. I'm not even kidding. This girl is in high school and all of us dirty minded people in the Hooligans are protecting this cinnamon roll.

We will have to teach her everything someday, though ;-;

6) ...... single.

I'm kinda upset about it, really. I just want someone to love me, that's all.

I know friends and family say they love you, but I don't know why that isn't enough for me. It just... isn't.

But I don't wanna have a shitty boyfriend... so... I'm not looking for just anybody... so...

Ah fuck it, who cares. Point is, I'm sad and lonely and want hugs and cuddles and a shoulder to cry on when I'm feeling to overwhelmed.

7) not a fan of k-pop.

8) all of them have to do with death, so long story short, anything having to do with death. To narrow my fear down to #1.... my worst fear having to do with death is suicide, but especially by hanging because DDLC really made it terrifying for me.., also a horror movie my dad watched before and I only saw a scene at the worst time but yknow, it's all good... haha... ha...  no it's not

Also I became sensitive to the term "slitting my wrists" recently ;-;

So must I list all of my fears now? -_-

9) five people that make me happy.... like... in general? Or just happy when I see them? Because a lot of people do... but if I have to settle for only five....

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