Mostly Smash Bros Ultimate and Wattpad/Art Projects Shit

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Yo guys

Quick updates on life and on stories


I beat World of Light a few days ago 😂


Now I'm trying to get 350 skill spheres just to upgrade the rest of my skill tree to 100% the game but I can only get them from shops at this point since there are no more spirits on the map to battle -_-


Each time you reach a "milestone" or basically an achievement in SSBU it gives you a picture on a board...

Here's an example

Some of these are hilarious 😂

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Some of these are hilarious 😂

That King Dedede one up there tho 🤣👏🏻

So some of these I really want to redraw because they're just so funny and it's so cool to see the Smash fighters just hanging out 😂

So.. yeah.

That's my agenda 😂

Another SSBU related project...

Claudia gave me the idea of drawing every single spirit that I use a lot.

(By the way certain spirits do certain things, so as much as I want to use certain characters (COUGH BLAZE), some aren't useful to me 😅)

I'm just gonna list a shit ton that I use...

In order of franchise since I'm watching a video right now that shows me all of the spirits so I can list them as I go 😂

By the way, I don't have all the spirits... I still need to summon some and find some on the Spirit Board -_-

Starting with Mario spirits I use:

- Super Star (it gives you a first strike advantage, it's great.. there are more like this but I use this one because I grew up with Mario XDD)

- Shine Sprite (okay one, it's a Legend, and two, it increases your special attacks so FUCK YEAH)

- Plessie (whenever I need "swimmer" I'll use Plessie 😂)

- Pauline (dude she heals you when someone attacks you while you're shielding, fuck yeah— AND SHE'S A LEGEND—)

- Geno (he's a pretty powerful fighting primary spirit with three slots—)

Donkey Kong:

- I may be wrong, but I think I use the Blast-o-Magic because it's a Giant Killer..? I think that's the one...

That's literally the only one

- Link (The Legend of Zelda) (he's a very good primary, he raises weapon attack and since I use Pit... y e s  p l e a s e)

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