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I should be doing homework

But I wanna update on a few things real quick 😂


We got a hamster. Her name is Mimi. I don't have a picture of her since she's only active at night, but she's cute and soft and fluffy 😂

Also she bit my grandma when we first got her.

There's a whole story 😂

Wanna hear/read it? Sit down, children.

So Natalie turned 7 on Saturday. She was camping with mom and some friends that weekend, so my dad, Claudia and I went to the pet store and got her a hamster for her birthday.

We ran into some issues.

We went to my grandma's house with her, and my grandma took out an old birdcage she had in her storage to temporarily put Mimi in. Problem is, it had like a large opening at the bottom she was able to slip through. So we put a towel in there to cover up the opening.

After a little bit, we took the cage and we took Mimi home.

Or did we?

Turns out she escaped without us knowing. We called grandma and told her she was missing, so she started looking for the hamster. While my dad, Claudia and I got back in the car with a better way to contain Mimi, my grandma called again and said she found her, but she bit her in the finger.

So we arrived, found Mimi, took her home, and everything was okay 😅

Istg she's only active at night and I just hear her wheel spinning while doing homework starting at like 9 and I wanna laugh so hard every time XDD

It's like "welp, there she goes again" 😂


I've got some tea—

I will NOT be saying names for the sake of heir privacy 😅

But I was with some Hooligans on Friday on call, and we started playing Rules of the Game— which is a game where everyone goes around and asks someone a yes or no question, and they can only pass once per game.

So I decided to interrogate someone because she said something suspishi the other day (it involved three other girls in the Hooligans. We were all calling each other pretty while denying our own appearances, and one of them goes "I may or may not be kinda attracted to two of you—" so I decided to question it XD).

... I found out who they were.

(By the way, out of the five girls— including myself— involved, I'm the only straight one :D)

Umm... and one of them was me 😅

How does she find me attractive? I have no idea. I'm not. But eh, people have different tastes I guess.

And I guess this is how I confirmed to myself that yes I'm 100% straight, because I didn't really feel anything like towards her even after she admitted. Like obviously I was flattered that someone would even think that of me 😅

But umm


So that happened

What other dumb shit can I say...

Oh yeah.

I made a chocolate cake. The cake itself was good. But then I ruined it with a horribly made buttercream frosting (if anyone has a good recipe, PLEASE tell me because I couldn't find a good one—)

So that was fun :'))

My mom insists that it's good, especially with ice cream for some reason. My dad even told me I should be proud of myself because he doesn't even eat sweets and he just ate a whole slice of my cake.

Oh, by the way, the cake was for Natalie's birthday, she just turned seven on Saturday.

Anyone want a slice? 😂😅 Come to my house, I live in Hell on 69th street, house number 42069 😂


On a more serious note...

I finally found the courage to block a person. I never had to do it before, but for my own mental health, I did it. And honestly, I feel a little relieved. Of course the contact is not entirely gone for a specific reason, but I'm not getting into that.

So... that happened.

There are still two more places I need to do it, but that's besides the point.

Also, recently, I started researching what some signs of toxic people are, and if you yourself are a toxic person, how you can try to stop that behavior. I just thought about it since the term "toxic" is really thrown around a lot, and now that I looked into it, holy shit was it used incorrectly by people I know.

Usually people call people that just gossiped and betrayed them "toxic", but that's not it. That's not all there is.

I'm not toxic myself. I've been called that before, but now I know I'm not because of the research. But I do know for a fact that I can possess tiny parts of the traits— and trust me, some of these traits can apply to any ordinary person— but even so, I'm trying to tone them down.

So who knew that something someone said to you that was so hurtful could cause you to do some research on it? 😂

And no, do not use that as encouragement to hurt people XD That's not okay 😅

So yeah, I've been doing some soul searching through that, and I've been trying to understand situations I've found myself in XD


You all care about this shit more than my personal life 😂😅


Art Book 2 should be updated sometime soon. I have enough material for it.

I'm currently working on another digital piece and I have some other digital plans after that, but that's what I'm rolling with right now.

06 Rewrite has been on hiatus for a little bit, probably because I can't find the motivation to write out the final battle scene. Ugh, it's such a pain.

I also figured out that I myself have created plot holes that I need to fix, so that's gonna he a pain :((

Wish me luck 😅

I've also been starting to think about the Forces Sequel...

I already know what characters will be going through. But I need to figure out the storyline. I need to map out the order of events, make some notes to help me write it with consistency.

So... even though I started writing it, I might restart it all over again 😅

Oh well. It be like that XD

Welp, that's all I got for today.

See ya guys 😂👋🏻

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