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I just realized that I didn't even get to the lockdown thing from my post at like 2 am...

So I'll explain here

We already had a week of school off, but people were still going out and hanging out and chilling even though the whole point of school and other events being cancelled was to keep everyone away from each other so we don't spread the coronavirus more


Our state decided we're going on lockdown

So not only are we being quarantined, we're like flat out not allowed to leave our houses

Only one person can go to the store or something, but that's literally it

You can't do anything else

So yeah

I'm stuck at home with nothing to do because things quickly get boring for me, even if I enjoy doing some of those things regularly

At 5pm all of this lockdown shit starts... and who knows when I'll be outside again and when I'll see all of my friends in person again

I really miss everybody already

My friends (the Hooligans) were talking yesterday (as you know already) and we all talked about how when we get back to school, we're hugging everybody

I really need that, I love hugs

I might go outside for a bit before the hell begins for real

Apparently it's supposed to be two weeks at least (meaning more e-learning from March 30th to the end of that week... wooooooo....)

Right now I'm on spring break but it's not the same when you can't go or and hang out with everyone

I swear even my introverted friends had enough of quarantine


I just wanna talk with people ;-;

I miss everyone and who knows how long it'll be before we can safely interact with one another

I guess the plus side is you all will have more content from me.... but I'm not sure how that'll end up for me

My sheer boredom will probably show up in my writing 😅

Oh well

Point is, everything sucks right now

Guys, please listen to when people say to stay at home

Because people think they can just go out places and think everything will be fine because they aren't sick

My god... that's like how this virus fucking spreads


Stay safe everyone

Stay at home, don't go out... even if it's gonna make you go insane

Keep in touch with friends over the internet or on call ^^

Seriously, I had no idea how much I needed that Hooligans call form yesterday. It eased me up so much


I'm gonna go outside for a bit and then work on the next ATSC chapter... I think I have like 3-5 more sets to go...? Idk

See ya guys, stay safe

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