Artist Questions!

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Hey all!! I figured it's been a while since I've done a whole "answering questions" thing. I know I did a bunch of tags or "ask me a number" questions back then, and I do wanna get back to that, but y'know what? I found an art related one :D

So since I am an artist in the Sonic community, let's just go ahead and answer this stuff :>

So since I am an artist in the Sonic community, let's just go ahead and answer this stuff :>

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1) Traditional or digital?

For sketches and doodles, definitely traditional. It's just more fun for me 😂 But when it comes to full art pieces, digital all the way, because it's so much easier to fill in all the color and manage lighting ^^

Plus, layers exist and ctrl Z XD

2) How long have you been drawing?

I've been drawing since I was little, like every kid, but I didn't pick it up as a hobby until 3rd or 4th grade?? I'm a senior in high school now, so this was like 8-9 years— o.O

3) How many classes taken?

Bruh, I have not been in a single art class I signed up for until this year 😂 I didn't want to deal with a Zero Hour in school (I didn't wanna get up earlier), so I never really took one.

Art class in middle school doesn't count because that was required for all students, and it was only a quarter of the year long.

But now, I'm taking AP Studio Art since I have more space in my schedule! It's supposed to help me build an art portfolio, so I'm really looking forward to it :)

4) DA? Personal website? Art blog?

I post all of my art (except commissions) here on Wattpad, including doodles from my notebooks!

I also have an Instagram (@ sweggyllamaqueen) and Twitter (@ SweggyQ), which I'm really active on. I also do have a Deviant Art and Artfol with the same user as my Insta, but I don't post there often 😅

5) Fav thing to draw?

I love drawing Mobians!! >.< Blaze especially 😂 Every time I start drawing a Mobian face, I already draw Blaze's other features XD

I also like drawing human faces a lot, I just need to get the rest of their anatomy down. I love drawing Fire Emblem and original story content :>

6) Least fav thing to draw?

H a n d s. That, feet, and human proportions, especially the lower body 😭

7) Use references often?

Whenever I need them, I use them! I try not to trace. If I seriously cannot understand how a hand works in a certain position, I'll trace over it a few times and try to replicate it on my own. I also use a lot of references for different body poses, just to give me a visual idea :D

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