(Kinda) Tag - 10

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I found this thing

And I'm not gonna be tagging anyone, but you can definitely do it as well if you want ^^

Here it is

1) Olivia Veronika ***********

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1) Olivia Veronika ***********

2) .... ;)

3) I don't really have an addiction— XD

4) 5'1– I'm short 😂

5) .... funny story— 🤣

Uhh, I'm taken! Just became official today 😂 never thought it would happen, but here I am XD

6) Aight
- Claudia (well duh she's my sister)
- and also my mom because, well, family XD
- Shaye & Usako
- the female Hooligans ^^

7) heheh.. XD
- my bf obviously 😂 (I never thought I'd be saying that wtf this is all so new to me XDD)
- the other Hooligan guys
- Landon (and I guess some of the other guys in the neighborhood squad, though they can be a little crazy 😂)

8) ... apparently there's no #8 😂 

9) I'm confused and happy right now XD

10) blue 💙

11) I don't really have anything to confess...

12) my best friend from childhood, I miss her a lot

13) I think the last hug goes to my dad XD he walked in today (it was a happy go lucky type of day for him 😂)

But if I had to say like someone I hugged back, that probably goes to Izzy... I think

It could've also been my dad, not sure 😂

14) I don't know if anyone does fully. But I've vented to Shaye several times (sorry for bothering you— XD), and Julia's also heard me rant. Oh yeah, same with Landon (though we haven't talked in a bit). So I feel like they understand me the most right now.

15) Shaye <3 always there for you too ^^
I can also say the same for the Hooligans. I love them so fucking much ><

16) It was to my bf 😂 We were saying good night to each other XD

17) ahaha... not gonna talk about that 😅

18) Oh come on, I can't choose one person XD
I'll list a few.

Claudia makes me laugh— when we're not arguing 😂

Shaye definitely makes me laugh a shit ton, especially when we share ideas with one another.

Istg, all of the Hooligans make me laugh way too hard as well. But Wilson, Tina, Tung, Izzy and Megan are definitely at the top level. They say so many things that just make me laugh way too hard 😂

The rest of the Hooligans also make me laugh a lot, but those five just make me wheeze way too much 😂

19) Bruh, the same people!! The QLS (questionable little shits— that's the name of the remaining few of us btw 😂 Queen Latifah kinda disbanded), the Hooligans, and the Neighborhood Squad XD

20) istg, the same people again 😂 plus my family when they decide not to hate me XD

21) I have a Smosh video playing in the background as I'm typing this

22) Don't really have any 😂

23) please don't smell like shit— 😂 also don't be a jerk, thanks XD

24) do I need to list the same people again? 😂

25) ... there's no 25? XD

26) again, I don't have much of a confession to make 🤣

27) like hate hate or pet peeves?

I really hate it when people chew with their mouth open.. 😅

I also absolutely hate lies/liars/lying. Anything having to do with that XD

I do hate some things, but honestly I don't really feel anything since I'm happy at the moment 😅

Oh wait, normally I'd say I hate myself— which I do, but I'm in a good mood right now XD

I bet you I am 😂 no idea how anyone even likes me because I'm an annoying prick XD

But uhh... if I had to call someone annoying... I don't really have anyone in mind right now. Obviously I have some people I think are annoying, but they're not juicy like "woah, Olivia thinks one of her best friends is annoying?!"

No, no juicy stuff guys 😂

It's just annoying people in general XD also all of Natalie's friends, but they're kids, so of course I think that 😂

Welp, that's all!

I really should be sleeping, I'm going into school tomorrow ;^;

If you guys wanna do this yourselves, feel free to 😂

See ya guys ^^ 👋🏻

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