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(Please for the love of god don't start arguments with me or anyone else in true comments thank you 😂
I have a feeling it might happen which is why I'm putting the note XD

Also... don't hunt these people down 😅 I'm just giving examples on what not to do and why I'm annoyed by it

Alright, let's get to it)



I don't know what else to call them, so that's as close as I can get.

What I'm referring to is people who steal your ideas for their own works.

Now, it's completely fine to be inspired by authors and take the tiny elements they used for your own works, but twist it up in your own way so it's original.


I may not be a famous author on Wattpad, but I can say that I've had quite a lot of different readers that have told me they've been inspired by me (or by some of my stories specifically) to write their own (despite some of my old stories sucking ass XD)

Some of these people were very kind and they even asked me to give them feedback on their stories that were loosely based off of mine, and wow, I was impressed!!

There was this one person who really enjoyed Fallen Angel and told me that because of it, they wanted to write their own Kid Icarus fanfic. They kindly asked for help on their book cover, so I did, and when the first chapter was published, I was blown away. I saw one of the elements I used, but it was turned into something completely different! And I loved it!!

In mine, I made Pit cursed and turn into a human, and this person used the Pit being human element in a different way, but it was so interesting!

It made me so proud of not only them but also myself that I was able to spark someone's amazing creativity because of my stupid writing XD

(If you're reading this, please continue it, it's so good and it has so much potential!!)

So that's an example of what inspiration should look like.

Another person I met read Twisted and said that she really loved the idea of me making art for ever single chapter, and she asked if she could do that herself. I told her that this wasn't just limited to me and that everyone could do it. Recently, she even said that she's making a Sonaze book because she was inspired by my works, and it made me all happy inside ^^


Onto people who flat out copied my shit.

(Not all of these are gonna be stories since I've had other ways people copied me...)

The first incident I had was back when I didn't even had 100 followers yet. I was at about 70 or something.

I announced that when I get 100 followers, I'll post a secret book I was working on (And wouldn't you know, it was Never Expected Love. Yuck, I hate it now.)

I ended up getting to 100 followers pretty quickly, and I released it.

Now that book has like, what, 27k reads? Like, wow, thanks, but it sucks ass 🤣👏🏻 like it's so bad lmao that was written like 2-3 years ago XD

So... I had a good internet friend at the time.

And she saw the success (at the time, the book had like about 1k... which was a LOT for me since I've never had that many reads before)

One day, I see an announcement:

"At 100 followers, I'll post a secret book!!"

..... okay. I know that I'm not the only one allowed to say "oh at this milestone I'll do this"

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