updates on books/projects/old ideas

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A lots been happening XD

Umm... I'm gonna try to keep it brief without rambling too much, but I can't make any promises 😂

Also, to those of you who agreed to help with the 06 rewrite art, thank you so much you guys, I'll let you guys know when I'll have ideas for the chapters in mind ^^


First book to talk about


Some of you may know I'm taking a break from it because of me not being motivated to put the comments together.

Don't worry, I'm not canceling the book, I'm just taking a break from it... thanks for being patient, guys ^^

Next book on the agenda...

06 rewrite

I'm proud to announce that I finished chapter 8 recently, and I'm now going onto chapter 9. I'm getting super close to the end— I'm currently at the part where Shadow shows Silver the truth, in case you were wondering how close I am exactly

So I'm hoping that the book is 100% complete this year. If I'm productive enough, I'll hopefully be done with it before this summer ends ^^

But uh, no promises 😅


Next thing to tackle...

Future stories

So I've determined that the next story I will write after the 06 rewrite is the sonic swap story. I already laid the basic notes out, and the rest I'll just write myself and let the story just carry me 😂 I love writing funny stories based off dialogue, it's just my style XD

After that, I'm hopefully going to finish/renew the idea I had for a "Forces sequel" (I mean, come on, Infinite can't just escape and not come back let's be real)

I'm thinking of talking to a specific person about this idea and hopefully build this story/universe to help me write it. I mean, she's already amazing at building worlds and she knows how to have characters go through shit XD you know who you are, my friend 😂 so umm... if you want we can talk over it one day? 😅

And after that, I don't know what's next. Probably a Sonaze story, if I'm being honest. Don't know what it would be about yet, but probably just a normal setting

But hey, all ya Sonaze shippers who are waiting for my next Sonaze story, I've got two in my Short Stories book 😂

So yeah

And after that, hopefully something other than Sonic 🤣 god, I really need to write one of my Undertale ones XDD


Ahem... welp...

One last book to talk about, huh? 😅

My art book.

Holy shit you guys

I have so many art projects, I'm probably gonna overwork myself 😂 (which is why I asked for help for the 06 rewrite artwork)

First, I'm working on a new digital piece (huehuehue)

Second, I'm animating Sonic as Vines again (AYYY)

The one that's currently in the works is:

Blaze: Did you... wash... the dishes?

Sonic: I thought... you wanted... to do that...

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