SEGA can't do its fucking job

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Original title: True Characterization of Sonic Characters (because SEGA can't do its fucking job)

(It was too long XD)

(This is gonna be a long chapter, guys XD)

You all see the title?


SEGA has ruined almost every single Sonic character when the "Colors Era" began, aka when the new voice cast was brought in, replacing the 4Kids voice cast (Jasonnnn come backkkkk)

Before I start talking about EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHARACTER (so yes this is gonna be a long chapter...) I'm gonna start off by saying why replacing the 4Kids voice actors was a big mistake..

Not only do the voice actors not sound good as the characters, but they also are missing huge parts of their personality when voicing them

I'll touch on that

Anyways, I'm doing this to help others understand these characters, because my god, it annoys the shit out of me when people say "oh this character is like this" when they really aren't (COUGH SHADOW)

So this will hopefully be helpful for people who are writing Sonic fanfics and wanna get the characters' personalities right

I'll try not to be biased, guys 😂

I'm gonna have the names in bold in case you wanna scroll through to specific ones 😅

Here's the format:


• What SEGA did wrong/how it ruined the character

• Who the character really is and what they're actually supposed to be like

• Additional thoughts


I'm gonna try to go in order of most important characters to least... so here we go


Alright, SEGA really fucked up with their own mascot. Until Colors, Sonic was completely fine. He was himself.

But what did Colors do to him? Well... Sonic, for one thing (I'm talking about the voice actor..) is not supposed to sound the way he does. He's fifteen, not a thirty-year-old trying to sound like a fifteen-year-old. Sorry Roger, you sound better as Boom Sonic, though. But in the modern universe? Nooooo

Second, this is also partly because of he voice but also because of the script writing, Sonic is not supposed to sound like/be an asshole. He doesn't just sit there and crack jokes, it's not what he's supposed to do. All he does in the resent games is stand around and do nothing in the cutscenes, but in previous games, like Unleashed, the Adventure games, even Black Knight, he had action in the cutscenes! He doesn't just stand around trash talking the enemy, he gets into a fighting stance and prepares for battle! Sure, he'll say something cocky/brave, but not something over the top!

So basically in short... SEGA made Sonic look like a lazy asshole who does not at all make an impact on anyone

But here's who Sonic really is

He's a kind-hearted guy and cares for the safety of others, not even his own. He risks his life to help others, and he does have snarky but funny (cough Roger) remarks. He's not stupid, although he can act before he thinks.

Most importantly, he makes a positive impact on everyone around him, and it's usually indirect.

Forces did that very incorrectly, as the only character that was positively impacted was the Rookie, and Sonic was very direct. Sonic's not that straightforward, not like in Forces. It's the things he does that inspires others, he doesn't need to give people pep talks just so they could feel good about themselves. One small kind gesture from him, and there's immediately a positive impact. Forces pushed it way too far, making the whole message of the game seem really cringy.

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