So I Finished ATLA-

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Obviously spoilers ahead

But I finished watching ATLA with the Hooligans.

Oh my god

I'm so sad our journey is over :((

But I absolutely loved the show 😆

It just makes me want a fourth season just to see the aftermath of everything and just to see the characters— I don't care that the major story is over 😂

I might watch LoK on my own, but I've heard it doesn't live up to ATLA... so.. I might just watch bits and pieces of it

But anyway, as I said...

Spoilers ahead.

Are we good?


.... can I just say I love all the characters? Some more than others, and I'll list them 😂

I fucking love Sokka. He can be a dork and a bit of an idiot sometimes, but at the same time, he's probably the most clever one on the team and we respect a guy who can't bend hut can still fight.

Words can't even describe how much I love him as a character XD

Toph is definitely my second favorite— her remarks are the best and the amount of blind jokes that were made because of her... just yes XDD Master Earthender right here 😂

Third favorite.... I'm surprised to say this XD

But uh... in the beginning, I fucking hated how edgy Zuko was. It was just the most generic edginess you could have in a character, but then as we found out more about him, I started to feel bad for him. Things started looking up for him, and he seemed to be better in book 2.

But then the book 2 finale fucks that up and betrays Iroh when Azula tells him that his dad wants him back— like bitch, do you not remember how she tried to bring you and Iroh back as prisoners the first time?! Don't ducking trust Azula—

Anyway, I love Iroh and the fact that Zuko hurt his uncle like that... all to just live unhappily

I'm glad he realized that's not what he was meant to do. Thank god his character turned around.

... so halfway through book three when he turned around, I kinda started to like him more 😂 he seemed much nicer after hanging around the guys, and oh my god his hug with Aang when he becomes the Fire Lord is just so heartwarming ;^;

But I guess since I'm talking about Zuko's development, I can talk about what I really disliked about Katara.

Don't get me wrong, Katara is still a good character. She's just... the way she kept lashing out at Zuko when he was trying to explain himself was just cruel.

I'm so fucking glad Toph can sense lies and sincerity, because she was able to see that Zuko was not lying when he met up with them. God, he even dropped to his knees and offered himself as a prisoner, and Katara still splashed water on him and yelled at him to leave.

I get it— they didn't see his good side yet and they kept getting chased by him. But it still made me so fucking angry 😅

Or as my friends and I would say, "angy" XD

We got so many inside jokes from watching this together 😂

"I angy—"
"Toph is the only top."
"Azula! I must get you back for betraying me in Push the Button!"
"Yue's probably up there looking at Suki like, '... That bitch!'"

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