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Death was welcomingly pleasant.

It wasn't like the depictions of it being a hellhole where people suffer. Nor was it a place. It was just... Blank. It was like being in a pitch black void with no beginning or end. Somehow it was comforting.

Many fear the thought of dying, however ##### did not mind that. She did not mind dying, she just thought of the term as a means to an end. A final to life and the beginning of something new.

However, ##### hadn't expected to die so young. Dying at twenty-two was not in her calendar or any of her expectations. She planned to live a long life - graduating college and getting a job, travelling the world, and even starting a family of her own.

Everything seemed to crash down on her as the world decided to turn its back on her. ##### wasn't killed in a way most might think of. No, she wasn't killed by a truck speeding past a red light when it was clearly the pedestrians right to cross the road. She didn't die in the typical isekai way.

##### was murdered. A knife stabbed into the side of her neck and left to bleed out by the crazyass boyfriend of her college dorm roommate.

Goddamn was she right about him about being crazy. She was a psychology major for crying out loud! She knew the signs and saw them, but ignored them like an idiot! She was regretting not trusting her knowledge and gut feeling.

If she was going to be reincarnated into a new world, ##### hoped that she would live past the age of twenty-two and not get involved with any murderous, psychotic bastards.

Being reborn was something she would rather not undergo again. It was not a pleasant experience to say the least. As a matter of fact, it was the worst thing ##### could ever have the misfortune of experiencing.

And now here she was, a weak and helpless infant crying her heart out. She wondered, was she crying because her newborn lungs were expanding or was it because the fact had settled in that she was reborn, reborn and leaving behind her old family.

For now she would go with the latter. ##### was weeping for the family she had abandoned and left behind due to her death. She would miss them.

Now that she had a clearer look due to the lack of tears in her eyes and resting, ##### noted that the members of her family were all good looking. Her mom was a MILF, a black haired beauty with a cute face and big rack. Her father looked to be a stern man with an unchanging expression and scary green eyes, in reality he was a softie from what she saw. Her uncle, whom she met thrice, gave off DILF vibes despite only being what it seemed like a teenager. He looked very similar to her mother.

##### also had two older siblings. Brothers - identical twins to be exact. Both of them had blond hair like her father and brown eyes like their mother. The only way she could tell them apart was due to the difference in their hair styles. They seemed to be three or four years old.

It was difficult to understand her new family to say the least. Heck, she was an American college student who took a Spanish class in middle school up until her death. She spoke Spanish and English, not Japanese.

She might have known a few basic terms and phrases for greetings, manners/politeness, and family words, but that was it. She knew nothing fancy, just basics that she learned due to her roommate loving anime and watching it 24/7.

##### internally sighed, frowning at the finger which poked her chubby cheek. How she wished she could slap away or even bite the finger of her older brother. She was an adult. Sure, she was now stuck in an infant's body, but ##### still had her pride.

"Jun, Milo," her mother called for the twins. Well, now ##### knew the names of her brothers at least. Jun was the twin with the longer hair while Milo was the one with the shorter hair - that's what she deduced due to their reactions of their names being called.

She couldn't understand what her mother was saying, but soon the boys left the room and ##### was picked up by her mother. "Tomoe," she muttered and kissed her forehead.

Tomoe. That was her new name.

Huh, she could live with that.

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now