Chapter 44

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The game of Choice was a grueling battlefield.

Tsuna had fought Torikabuto, a multi-flame user, defeating the Mist Guardian. Yamamoto had defeated Saru (who was actually Genkishi in disguise), which made the scale tip to Vongola's side. Gokudera, who was holding the defense, could no longer hold Kikyo back as he flew towards Irie, the main target.

However, Tsuna, who was supposed to help, had not realized that he was stuck in Torikabuto's illusion, heading in a different direction than Yamamoto. And when he broke out, he decided to help defend Irie and Spanner instead of fighting Daisy with Yamamoto.

And at the same time...

Both Irie and Daisy were taken out.

"Shoichi!" Tsuna shouted, flying towards his body, but was stopped by one of the Cervello.

"A moment please," she said. "We must conduct a precise check on master Irie's target marker. Please stay back."

"Ngh! At a time like this?!"

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto's voice came through his ear. "I've defeated their target as well."

The camera panned to Yamamoto standing over Daisy who laid on the floor, defeated.

"The enemy target as well?!" Dino exclaimed in surprise.

Basil's eyes widened. "They were both... defeated at the same time?!"

"You're not telling me... the match was a draw!?!" Ryohei yelled.

But then suddenly, as the Cervello were checking the markers... Daisy rose up from the ground.

"Uhnnn..." the green haired male groaned, his marker bursting with flames. "I guess I still can't die, huh..."

"AHHH?!" Everyone on the Vongola side freaked out.

"He revived?!" Hikari shrieked. "Creepy!"

"Impossible... I didn't quite take his life, but I know I thoroughly defeated him!" Yamamoto claimed.

"Daisy has a little issue known as the "undead body". He's a strange case... his biggest trouble in life is his inability to die," Kikyo explained.

"He's immortal... but that's impossible!" Basil could not believe his eyes.

"Sounds impossible..." Reborn responded, a frown on his face.

"Hey, Tomoe," Ao whispered. "If you fought against Daisy, do you think your snow flames would kill him indefinitely?"

The girl grimaced, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not sure... Honestly, I don't know if I could beat him for good in my current state."

"Perhaps you understand a little better now? This is the real power of the Six Funeral Wreaths," Kiyko tutted with a grin.

"I failed at dying again..." Daisy mourned.

"The victor of this Choice battle has been decided," the Cervello declared. "The winner is... The Millefiore family!"

"Yaay!" Bluebell cheered.

"Shoichi-kun hang in there...! Shoichi-kun!!!"

The group ran down to Irie to check if he was okay from getting poisoned and attacked, but as they got down, the red haired boy began to explain his past with Byakuran.

The endless times going to the future... the changing futures... parallel worlds... time and time and time again...

"A parallel world is a completely separate reality, existing independently of the world we live in... Nobody has any way of knowing about their other selves who might exist in the worlds parallel to their own; there is no way for them to ever come in contact. But Byakuran-san has the power to share all of his knowledge and thoughts... amongst all of his selves from the same point in time across the multitude of parallel worlds."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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