Chapter 34

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Aiko lowered her sniper rifle, looking at the smoke and destruction in front of her. 'Those damn bastards.' She clicked her tongue. 'Yamamoto-kun just had to switch out at the worst time leaving me to instruct these kids on what to do.'

"Caaaaw!" a bird covered in cloud flames flew in the sky before flying towards the black haired woman. Aiko entered her arm out and the bird landed on her arm carefully to not pierce her skin with its sharp, deadly claws.

Sighing, Aiko scratched the chin of her box weapon which perched on her arm, an eagle, which she named Godiva (something Tomoe chuckled at because she named her box animal after a chocolate brand). She rubbed her forehead against the bird's. "Good work Godiva, rest now. I'll call again for you soon."

"Caw!" With a burst of flames, the eagle vanished, going back into the box weapon.

Rubbing her forehead, Aiko sighed. Of course she had to pick the short end of the stick and be stuck with the kids. This should have been someone else's job, but nooooo. She was chosen for this because the kids would recognize the others if they helped train and guard them since the young Vongola knew of them. They didn't know of her. They didn't know that she went to Nami Chuu with them.

'Would they be able to recognize Hikari-chan?' she mused to herself, smirking slightly.

Not only that, she had to help fight off Millefiori's Black Spell. Though, all she did was give an explanation on how to utilize their flames and box weapons while sniping down the enemy from a distance.

After the harsh battle, she instructed the kids to follow her and she carried Tsuna to the infirmary and ordered them to stay out, much to the storm guardian's dismay. But he soon relented and Aiko did her best to give Tsuna medical attention from the limited amount of what she knew from Kocho Milo and Kocho Shinjiro teaching her in the past.

"Will he be alright Hamamura?!" Gokudera asked, jumping to his feet the moment she came out of the room. She looked around, noting the others were gone.

"Gokudera-kun," she acknowledged and opened the door fully to show them a passed out brunette lying shirtless on the hospital bed with bandages around his torso and shoulder. "He's stable, just a shoulder injury. Sawada-kun passed out because he overused his flames and the stress got to him from his overexertion. He'll be awake soon enough."

The grey haired boy let out a sigh of relief, his shoulder falling as he relaxed. He bit his lip and Aiko noticed his expression, knowing he would want to be by his side.

His sky's side.

Ah... how she wished to be by her sky and her lovely storm.

"Go on," Aiko said, and patted his shoulder. "Be by your sky's side."

The boy didn't need another word as he ran inside and Aiko closed the door behind her.

'They need their privacy...' She adjusted her glasses, walking down the hall with silent steps. "I hope to see you soon... Tomoe-chan, my snowy sky."

"REBORN!" Tsuna screamed, shocking everyone in the infirmary who had come to see him. From down the hall, Aiko heard his loud voice and rushed over to see what all the commotion was about.

"Oh, you're up and about already?" Reborn remarked. "Looks like Hamamura did a good job."

The brunette panted, sweat rolling down his body. "I..."

"I understand. I wish to speak with Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Hamamura. Haru and Kyoko, please leave us."

"Let's go Haru-chan," Kyoko whispered, guiding the crying girl out of the room.

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