Chapter 4

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Tomoe and Kyoya were now second year middle schoolers. And this time the two were in the same class, much to Kyoya's delight.

As a former class representative from last year, Tomoe was chosen to help the new students coming in after orientation by showing them around. Tomoe had expected to show around a bunch of quiet and nervous first years, but imagine her surprise when she got a nice group with an extremely loud boy. He had grey hair and a scar on the left side of his forehead near his eyebrow.

She had learned that his name was Sasagawa Ryohei.

And boy was he extremely loud.

"Kocho-senpai, is there an EXTREME boxing club here?!" He asked loudly, making her unnoticeably wince from the volume, but the other students in the group near him did show their wincing.

"No, there isn't a boxing club, however you can create a club," Tomoe answered, looking over her shoulder at the boy. "Just make a club application, meet the requirements, and then hand the form to a member of the Disciplinary Committee so Ky- I mean the prefect can approve of it."

"I see! I'm EXTREMELY grateful!" Ryohei shouted and Tomoe forced a smile. 'He's so loud! Kyo-chan will probably kill him.'

"R-Right. Since I've led you guys around the school, I'll bring you around to some spots on the school grounds where you can hang out," she said as they followed her outside towards the gym. "There are many places to hang out and eat with your friends if you don't want to do so in your classrooms or the cafeteria. But, there is one place that you shouldn't ever go."

"U-Um, where is that Kocho-senpai?" a girl asked and Tomoe's face soured.

"The rooftop." She sighed, running a hand through her hair and began explaining. "Hibari Kyoya claimed the rooftop, so if you don't want to get bitten to death by the DC's president, then you better avoid going up there. As a matter of fact, if you ever see him, you should do your best to not attract his attention. Which means that you shouldn't be loud, crowd around in groups, and roam around the hallways when classes are still going on... Just try not to break any of the school rules and you will be safe." She turned around, facing them with a serious look. "Take my words to heart if you want to stay intact in your years here!"

"Y-Yes senpai!"

"Good." Tomoe huffed, turning back around. "Now then, let me show you guys the club rooms since we still have time before I bring you back to your classes."

"Kocho-senpai!" Ryohei yelled, jogging up to the girl. "I hope you're having an EXTREMELY good morning!"

She smiled, used to his presence even though it has only been a week since school started. "Hello Ryo-chan, good morning to you too. Has everything been okay?"

He grinned. "Everything is EXTREMELY fine! I'm looking for some EXTREME fighters to join the boxing club!" He then looked at Tomoe, an idea coming to him. "How about you join!"

Tomoe's eyes widened before she laughed, shaking her head. "I'll have to refuse Ryo-chan, I'm already busy enough with being Class Rep." 'And also dealing with Kyo-chan and other stuff...' "Maybe you can ask some of your classmates to join?"

"They joined other EXTREME clubs already," Ryohei replied, walking by Tomoe's side. "But I'll find some more EXTREME guys to join! If you ever want to join then you're welcome to Kocho-senpai!"

"I'll keep your offer in mind."


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