Chapter 25

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Tsuna casually walked around. "Huh? There's actually a Kokuyou student in a place like this," he said to himself as he spotted some students at an outdoor shop stand.

"Hya~~~ This gum looks delicious~~!"

"Didn't we just buy some?"

"Well, the gum was fruity, so I ate it all."

The brunette sweatdropped as he passed by. 'Already a middle school student and you still swallow your gum...'

"I like strawberries the best!"

"Then let's just buy a box of them. Kocho-san gave us a lot of money to spend."

"They're buying a boxful?! What kind of people are they?!" Tsuna stopped to gawk. "And Kocho-senpai gave them money?!"

Chikusa pushed up his glasses. "A receipt is fine. Troublesome..."

"W-Whaaa?! EH?!" he screamed, rubbing his eyes harshly. "You're kidding me! No way! This can't be happening! Please not this! It's just fatigue!"

"You're making the same irritating face as always," the other boy said and Tsuna flinched. Ken stuck out his tongue, showing his fangs as he made an intimidating face. "Naa?!"

"GYAAA!!" Tears sputtered from Tsuna's eyes. "It appeared!!" He felt faint. "Can't be true-" And he passed out.

"How did we lose to such a useless bastard? I don't get it, pyon," Ken scoffed out, repeatedly stepping (kicking) on Tsuna.

"........." Chikusa just stared at the scene after he finished paying.

"Ciaossu. It's been a while, Kakimoto Chikusa, Joushima Ken," Reborn said, appearing out of nowhere.

Ken squatted down to his height. "You're here, Arcobaleno home tutor!"

"What about the other one?" Reborn asked. "Tsuna's Guardian of Mist."

".....That person went to see.... Hibari Kyoya," Chikusa answered, adjusting his glasses as he looked down at Reborn.

"They did, did they...? If Hibari finds out, there will be an uproar."

Kyoya and Tomoe walked side by side around the neighborhood in a tranquil silence. They had met up after Tomoe left a cafe, bumping into the skylark who was doing his rounds.

"It's been a long time. You've become stronger again, it seems. And you, my friend, have been taking care of them, I thank you," a person passing by said and Kyoya stopped, whipping his head around, only to not see anyone familiar or who would actually say that to him.


Tomoe quietly smiled to herself as they continued to walk.

"When you two stay so quiet, you give me the impression of being a simple pair of nasty junior high students," Reborn insulted and Ken began to shout.

"Shut uuuup! You didn't need to add the nasty! You're underestimating us too much!" His noise turned into a rhino's horn. "I'll gore you with this horn!"

"Oh, it appeared. Hippo channel."

"That's not it!" he yelled, pointing at the horn. "It's a rhino! This is a rhino's horn! It's a killer horn!"

"Stop already Ken," Chikusa intervened. "Right now we have other things to do."

"Shut up! I'll kill 'em! This kid and the Vongola too!"

"He's really a miserable one, Tsuna is," Reborn replied. "I'd thought he'd be absolutely delighted. After the battle at Kokuyou Land, Tsuna, each time that battle came up in conversation I'd always hear, "Haven't you got any new information?" or the like. "Those guys haven't been killed, have they?" It seems he was pretty worried about all of you."

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