Chapter 9

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Ao quietly peered at Tomoe.

'Her story, it couldn't be true, right? So why did it sound so real? Why do I believe her?'

His cigarette was long forgotten, burned out and no longer usable. Oh, how he really needed to smoke.

He sighed. "So, you're saying that you reincarnated after you died," he summarized, rubbing his brows when she nodded. "And we're in an anime that your roommate watched."


Groaning, he facepalmed. "You know, that does explain why the people here aren't normal and these mafia flames."

"Do you believe me?" she asked, her voice sounding quiet and broken.

"I believe you," Ao replied, placing a hand on her head, making Tomoe's eyes widen. "I don't care if you're reincarnated or if your story was some bullshit lie you came up with. You're my precious little niece and I'll always believe you."

"...H-Hic!" Tomoe began to cry, the tears leaving her eyes. "Hic-! T-Thank you! T-Thank you U-Uncle Ao!" She hid her eyes with her arms. "T-Thank you...!"

Ao hummed, pulling her into his chest as she cried. He ran a comforting hand through her hair. "It's alright squirt, I'm here." Tomoe continued to cry, sniffling as Ao continued to comfort her.

Someone now knew her secret. Her story. No matter how unnerving it was, she was glad that Ao now knew about it. The burden felt less heavy as she now had someone to help her.

"By the way... Does that mean you already knew about your flames? The background and everything?"

"U-Uh yeah... Sorry for hiding that from you Uncle Ao."

"Hmmmm. It's okay. I'm not mad at all, nope. I totally didn't go on a wild goose chase for information that never even existed at all for months on end just to find out that my niece knew the information all along."

"...You're mad, aren't you."

"You bet as hell I am. Now spill everything you know about this world before I beat the shit out of you, squirt."

"O-Okay." 'Jeez, so violent.'

Ao still beat the shit out of her anyway after hearing everything.

"Tomoe!" Jun shouted, hugging his little sister. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Jun-nii," the girl replied, hugging her brother back. When he pulled back she saw Milo and walked up to him to give him a hug as well. "Hi Milo-nii."

"Tomoe," his gruff voice mumbled as he carefully hugged her. "How have you been?"

She smiled. "I've been good." She took a step back to look at her older brothers. "You two seem to be happy."

"Yep!" Jun chimed, pointing his thumb behind him. "We brought a friend today!"

'Oh?' Tomoe raised a brow. 'They never bring friends over.' "That's nice, will I be meeting him?"

Jun nodded, turning around halfway and waving his arm in the air. "Heeey! Hurry up and come in already Shoichi! No need to be afraid, we don't bite." He paused, thinking. "Well Kyoya does, but that's beside the point!"

Milo and Tomoe sweatdropped. 'Don't let him find out you said that.'

Tomoe watched as a red haired male with glasses came into view. Jun bent down to sling an arm around his shoulder and the girl thought he looked familiar from somewhere. 'Where have I seen him?'

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now